October 7, 2010 at 2:33 am
I have 2 tables, dispLookup and campaign.
The dispLookup contains 2 columns, Code and Disp.
The campaign table contains date, time, code000...code199.
The dispLookup table contains a nice name for each column in the campaign table, e.g. code000 when you look it up in the dispLookup table (via Code column) is 'Time on Call'.
The dispLookup table contains NULL in Disp column if that code is not required.
So what I would like to be able to do is select columns from the campaign table but instead of showing the code000...code199 as column names, I would like to lookup the dispLookup table and show the nice names, also if a code is NULL in dispLookup not display that column at all.
any help gratefully received
Thank you
October 7, 2010 at 3:23 am
pjr001 (10/7/2010)
HiI have 2 tables, dispLookup and campaign.
The dispLookup contains 2 columns, Code and Disp.
The campaign table contains date, time, code000...code199.
The dispLookup table contains a nice name for each column in the campaign table, e.g. code000 when you look it up in the dispLookup table (via Code column) is 'Time on Call'.
The dispLookup table contains NULL in Disp column if that code is not required.
So what I would like to be able to do is select columns from the campaign table but instead of showing the code000...code199 as column names, I would like to lookup the dispLookup table and show the nice names, also if a code is NULL in dispLookup not display that column at all.
any help gratefully received
Thank you
You cannot do this without Dynamic SQL. I am afraid that this design seems, on the face of it, extremely poor and it is difficult to imagine any advantages it could bring. What reason did you have for giving your columns generic names and creating a table mapping these to meaningful names, instead of just naming the columns meaningfully in the first place?
Personally, my advice would be to write some one off dynamic SQL to rename all the columns in your table to the meaningful values in dispLookup and then drop dispLookup.
October 7, 2010 at 3:33 am
Have to agree with that. Design is horrible. However if thats not possible
--Some tables and data to test against.. since i dont have this
create table dispLookup (Code int, Disp varchar(256) primary key (Code))
create table Campaign ([Date] varchar(32), [Time] varchar(32), code000 varchar(32), code001 varchar(32), code002 varchar(32))
insert into dispLookup (Code, Disp) values (0, 'Time on Call')
insert into dispLookup (Code, Disp) values (2, 'Something')
--End testcode
--The code your interested in
declare @i int
declare @sql varchar(max)
select @i = -1, @sql = ''
while exists (select * from dispLookup where Code > @i)
select top 1 @sql = @sql + ', Code' + Right('00' +Convert(varchar(3), Code), 3) + ' as [' + Disp + ']', @i = Code
from dispLookup
where Code > @i
and Disp is not null
order by Code
select @sql = 'select [Date], [Time], ' + Stuff(@sql, 1, 2, '') + ' from Campaign'
exec (@sql)
--End your code
--Cleaning my testcode up
drop table dispLookup
drop table Campaign
I have offcourse have had to guess the datatypes. But should work okayis for you maybe with some modifications.
The SQL code that gets executed (by the Exec) looks like this
select [Date], [Time], Code000 as [Time on Call], Code002 as [Something] from Campaign
There is offcourse the risk off an infinite loop depending on how the tables actually look. But this should get you started.
October 7, 2010 at 3:33 am
These tables have been provided for me and I have no ability to change the design I'm afraid.
I can query the system but cannot change the underlying design.
I think the reason they do it this way is because the tables are populated by a dialler automatically and rather than create a new table dynamically for each dialler campaign, they use the same table but include a campaign name and allow you to assign friendly names to each column via a lookup table, seems ressonable to me.
I will look into dynamic sql, at least I know it can't be done using standard T-SQL anyway.
Thank you
October 7, 2010 at 3:40 am
tommyh (10/7/2010)
Have to agree with that. Design is horrible. However if thats not possible
--Some tables and data to test against.. since i dont have this
create table dispLookup (Code int, Disp varchar(256) primary key (Code))
create table Campaign ([Date] varchar(32), [Time] varchar(32), code000 varchar(32), code001 varchar(32), code002 varchar(32))
insert into dispLookup (Code, Disp) values (0, 'Time on Call')
insert into dispLookup (Code, Disp) values (2, 'Something')
--End testcode
--The code your interested in
declare @i int
declare @sql varchar(max)
select @i = -1, @sql = ''
while exists (select * from dispLookup where Code > @i)
select top 1 @sql = @sql + ', Code' + Right('00' +Convert(varchar(3), Code), 3) + ' as [' + Disp + ']', @i = Code
from dispLookup
where Code > @i
and Disp is not null
order by Code
select @sql = 'select [Date], [Time], ' + Stuff(@sql, 1, 2, '') + ' from Campaign'
exec (@sql)
--End your code
--Cleaning my testcode up
drop table dispLookup
drop table Campaign
I have offcourse have had to guess the datatypes. But should work okayis for you maybe with some modifications.
The SQL code that gets executed (by the Exec) looks like this
select [Date], [Time], Code000 as [Time on Call], Code002 as [Something] from Campaign
There is offcourse the risk off an infinite loop depending on how the tables actually look. But this should get you started.
🙂 Thank you very much, that's exactly the start I was looking for 🙂
October 7, 2010 at 11:00 am
Assuming that your dispLookup table changes relatively infrequently, it might be best to create a trigger on dispLookup to dynamically create/alter a view with the user-friendly column names. This seems like a relatively safe assumption to me based on what little I know of the database
J. Drew Allen
Business Intelligence Analyst
Philadelphia, PA
October 7, 2010 at 2:30 pm
drew.allen (10/7/2010)
Assuming that your dispLookup table changes relatively infrequently, it might be best to create a trigger on dispLookup to dynamically create/alter a view with the user-friendly column names. This seems like a relatively safe assumption to me based on what little I know of the databaseDrew
Thank you, I didn't think of doing it that way, although, the solution from SSC Eights! has provided me with the solution I was looking for.
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