Change Subscription Owner with Direct SQL Update

  • I was asked to run the following script to change subscription owners from the login of someone who left the company to a different login.

    I would prefer not to do direct updates to the ReportServer database, but I do not know how to do this through the Report Manager. Is there any method to do this with Report Manager?

    declare @olduserid uniqueidentifier

    declare @newuserid uniqueidentifier

    select @olduserid = userid from dbo.users where username = 'ourdomain\oldlogin'

    select @newuserid = userid from dbo.users where username = 'ourdomain\ newlogin'

    update dbo.subscriptions set ownerid = @newuserid where ownerid = @olduserid

  • I'm not sure about doing this as a direct update vs. report manager but if you're looking for other avenues, I'd think you might want to try the webservice and see if you can automate your updates that way.


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