Change Operating System for SQL SERVER 2000

  • Hello Friends.

    My SQLserver 2000 SP2. Is currently running on winNT Server. I want to change Operating system to Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

    I don't want to upgrade winnt to Windows 2000 . I need to a fresh install of windows 2000 in the same machine preferably in a new partiation. ?

    What are the steps I have to do for this changeover.

    Anticipation Good ideas.

    Best Regards


  • shut down SQL server and make a file backup of all the SQL files (regular backup and copy files to another location). After doing so the install WINDOWS 2000 fresh and the SQL 2000. After SQL install shut down the service and replace the new files with the old file copies (master, model, msdb, all) and start the service back up. It may have troubles with the new server name but there are threads around on how to handle this as I don't have in front of me. This is what I have done in the past and has worked great for me. You could of course restore SQL backups but there a lot of steps to restore the master and other system databases that need to be done.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Hello Antares

    Thank you for the quick answer.

    I forgot to told you that I have done the same thing that you told me. I have replaced new datafiles with old database and tried to start sqlserver services. But sqlserver is unable to start.

    I don't know the reason behind this. I have noted that code page of newly installed sqlserver is 'Latin1_General_C1_AS' and old server is 'SQL_Latin1_General_C1_As'.

    Probably is that the reason behind that ?

    Can I select the code page while sql server installation ?


  • If you move the files to a different location, I believe you will have to do some work to get it to start back up correctly as the file locations are different. If you change server names, under SQL 7 you had to go back through the setup routines and 'update' the database. My guess is it is similar for SQL 2000.

    Brian Glass
    Sr. Database Adminstrator
    Bombardier Aerospace

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