Change Object Ownership

  • Hi All,

    is there any way I can change the owner of all the objects in my database in one go.

    there is a stored procedure for changing individual object ownership, but we have around 3000 objects whose owner needs to be changed. If I do this one by one then it would be very time consuming..

    Thanks in advance

  • Possibly you can just update the system tables, havent tried to know if there gotchas looming. Just about as easy to just use a cursor to loop through - remember to exclude system objects!


  • I do not want to update the sytem tables. I just want to update the user table owner.


    Possibly you can just update the system tables, havent tried to know if there gotchas looming. Just about as easy to just use a cursor to loop through - remember to exclude system objects!


  • Its not possible but you can write your own script to do at one go. And you can use this script in any database and server.

    I am just giving outline of the SQL which will generate the batch for me to change the ownership of all objects which are not owned by dbo.

    select 'exec sp_changeobjectowner ' + name + ', dbo' from sysobjects where type in ('U','P','V') and uid <> 1


    Run the output of the query as a batch.

  • Hi ...

    Just a warning to BE VERY CAREFUL when messing with object ownerships in SQL. I once changed a bunch of table ownerships in my dB from dbo to a role and it was a total catastrophe. No-one was able to access them, not even sa. The only solution was to restore the dB from the previous nights backup.


  • Select 'print '' object : ' + + '.' + + ''' ' + char(13) + ' go '+ char(13)

    + 'Sp_changeobjectowner ''' + + '.' + + ' '', ''NewSchema'' ' + char(13) + ' go '

    from sysobjects o

    inner join sysusers u

    on (o.uid = u.uid)

    where o.xtype in ('p', 'u', 'v') -- p = procedures, u = usertables , v = userviews

    and like 'oldschema%'

    and not in ('dtproperties', 'whatever you want to exclude')

    order by,

    This wil not correct your DTSses. There you should do a save-as :(.

    If you run packages in sqlagent, you'll also have to adjust the name/Dts-id overthere.

    Doublecheck views and sp's so the correct schema is used. (your view-definition-text will not be altered by sp_changeobjectowner )

    Always try to use the propre system-sp's befor you mess with the systemtables.


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  • Since your just changing table owners, SQLDMO will work also. The nice thing about using SQLDMO, is that you can create it as a SQL Agent job (ActiveX/VBScript), which can be scheduled or run as needed

    SET oServer = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")

    oServer.LoginSecure = True

    oServer.Connect "MySQLServer"

    SET oDatabase = oServer.Databases("MyDB")

    FOR EACH oTable IN oDatabase.Tables

    IF oTable.Owner <> "dbo" THEN

    oTable.Owner = "dbo"

    END IF


    SET oTable = Nothing

    SET oDatabase = Nothing

    SET oServer = Nothing

  • I have been going through the same thing. I did a mix of manually creating the change owner and a couple of automated scripts.

    One problem I had was that the problem owner owned the PK on a number of tables. For some reason the SP_Changeobjectowner would not allow me to change those objects.

    So I tried to drop them via EM, figuring I could just recreate them. I kept getting messages that it couldn't drop the PK as it was a contraint, but showed no contraints.

    I was a pain, but I basically cloned the tables, there was only 5 or 6, dropped the originals, and renamed the clones to the proper name.

    Never figured out why I could DROP or change owner on the PKs, but I did get around it.

    KlK, MCSE


  • kknudson,

    Did you have DRI (foreign keys) ?


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