Change DB for Exec

  • I have an sp that I use to update all DB's. I supply it a block of T-SQL and it executes it using exec(@TSQL).

    I want to the TSQL to execute in a given database. I cannot implement 'USE dbname' in my script, as the script may contain a 'Create Proc' or 'Drop' command/s.

    How can I get my sp to change database and execute the script correctly with 'create' and 'drop'??

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Try this...

    Create Table [dbname]..[TableName]


    From the master db I would use:

    Create Table MyDatabase..MyTable


    MyColumn1 Int,

    MyColumn2 Float


    To create a table in MyDatabase

  • What terryute shows should work, but you will have to use dynamic sql to do.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • C'mon guys. You can do better than that. Perhaps you misunderstood? I'll rephrase.

    If I use a script for making changes to all db's (using cursor of sysdatabases), the script includes exec('some TSQL') to execute some T-SQL on each db. The script is running from Master, but executing the T-SQL on each database one by one.

    This works for simple T-SQL where I can include a reference to the database (e.g. create table [dbname]..[tablename]).

    If the script includes dropping and creating a SP (for example), I cannot include [dbname] in the T-SQL (qualified db ref not supported).

    Also cannot implement 'use [dbname]' (as drop or create must be first commands executed).

    How can I change the target database for my exec('some TSQL') command? Or can someone offer a better approach?

    Thanks heaps.

  • You could try something like this.

    EXEC sp_MSForEachDB '

    If ''?'' NOT IN (''master'',''msdb'',''model'',''tempdb'')


    USE ? /* Note put ? inside [] to handle odd characters, forum code kept change to . */


    /* Put your code inside here. */

    SET @SQLStr = ''


    SELECT * FROM t1


    EXEC (@SQLStr)


    Edited by - antares686 on 04/04/2002 05:51:22 AM

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