Change Data Capture 2008

  • I have enable the change data capture on db and enabled one table and i made updates on couple of records in the transaction table and it logged the changes of the enabled CDC table updates in teh default cdc table..

    However to my surprise i didn't see the records which were logged in earlier day..

    I have schedule the cleanup job after 60 days.

    EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc_change_job

    @job_type = N'cleanup',

    @retention = 86400;

    Please suggest if i missing anything which should not cleared the data after a day..

    Thanks for your help in advance !

  • Do you mean changes you made before you enabled CDC?

    What kind of changes did you make?

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  • The changes i made after the cdc table enabled.

    I have updated a record in customer table and the changes showed up in the customer table and i see 2 records in teh cdc_customer table with before updated record and after update record.

    When check back next day the cdc_customer table doesn't have the 2 records.

    THe table has no records..

    Please suggest.

  • There's a cleanup job that removes records from the change tables, so you might want to check into that.

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • You might want to check the retention period (Retention Period Units) to and see what its set to, se this as a guide

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

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