Change company name in SQL Server 2005

  • Hi,

    I have installed SQL Server 2005, I put wrong company name while installing. Now the installation process completed how can I change the wrong company name.

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  • The only option I can see here is reinstall sql server with new/correct instance name and attach the database from old instance.


  • Even, I have the same opinion.



  • I think we can change it by using serverproperty but I dont know how to use that statement.

  • its as simple as you cant rename the system database, similarly you cant rename the servername


  • I dont want to rename my server name, the question was how to edit the registration information like at the time of installation SQL Server ask for name and company name I put wrong company name over there how can now I change that wrong company name ?



  • REINSTALL is the only Option You have:smooooth:


  • ok, thanks guys for providing the solutions.

  • Reinstall


  • Reinstall


  • Reinstall


  • Wait a minute....

    I've installed SQL 2005 a few zillion times and, unless my memory is failing miserably, I do not remember anyplace to enter the company name during installation.

    What version of SQL 2005 are you using?

    Secondly, if this is stored in the same places as most other Microsoft software, the setting is in the registry and it can be changed. I was part of an organization that was bought out and we had to change the registration on 3000 desktops and 120 servers. It was scripted by one of the sys admins using Powershell.

    Lastly, what does this matter? This information does not appear in anything important.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
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  • Why can't you rename a server? I have done it many times.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • try renamming the server

    1) sp_dropserver 'OldServerName'

    2) sp_addserver 'NewServerName', local

    3) then Retstart mssql

    to verify -- select * from master..sysservers

    the NewServerName srvrid column should be 0

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