August 24, 2018 at 10:30 am
I want to change the values in the column to row based on their ID number.
What I want to do is to filter out the ones with the same PhaseId that have the lowest date with specific ItemName first like this:
PhaseId | ItemName | PercentIn | PercentOut | Date |
and then put them in a row instead of a column.
I want something like this:
PhaseId ItemName PercentIn PercentOut Date ItemName2 PercentIn2 PercentOut2 Date2 ItemName3 PercentIn3 PercentOut3 Date3 ItemName4 PercentIn4 PercentOut4 Date4
1 Hardware 1.5 1.5 8/24/217 Wood 1 1 3/21/2018 Panel 1 1 8/15/17 Glass 1 1 1/18/18
2 Hardware 1 0 5/1/2017 Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
3 Glass 1 1 5/20/2017 Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
4 Panel 1 0 6/15/17 Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null
What I used was the following code but didnt give me the desired result:
SELECT PhaseID,T1.ItemName,PercentIn,PercentOut,Date
FROM TestTable T1
(SELECT ItemName, MIN(Date) AS MINDATE FROM TestTable GROUP BY ItemName) T2
ON T1.ItemName = T2.ItemName AND T1.Date = T2.MINDATE
Here is the code for creating the table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestTable] (
[PhaseId] [int] NOT NULL,
[ItemName] [nvarchar](50) null,
[PercentIN] [float] null,
[PercentOut] [float] null,
[Date] [Date] NULL,
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'HARDWARE', 1.5, 1.5, '8/24/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'HARDWARE', 1,0, '')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'HARDWARE',0.6,0.6, '3/22/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'HARDWARE', 1,1, '3/29/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'WOOD', 1,1, '3/21/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'PANEL', 1,1, '8/15/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'PANEL', 1.6,1.6, '4/5/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1, 'GLASS', 1,0, '2/3/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'GLASS', 1,1, '1/18/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (2,'HARDWARE', 1,0, '5/18/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (2,'HARDWARE', 1.6,1.6, '8/5/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (3,'GLASS', 1,0, '3/5/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (3,'GLASS', 1,1, '5/20/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (3,'WOOD', 1,1, '7/8//2018')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (4,'PANEL', 1,0, '6/15/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (4,'PANEL', 1,1, '8/10/2017')
August 24, 2018 at 3:28 pm
August 24, 2018 at 4:14 pm
It is working for me, can you try it again?
August 24, 2018 at 5:08 pm
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 27
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
August 29, 2018 at 9:42 am
If at most 4 items you can use this:
if OBJECT_ID('tempDb.dbo.#TestTable') is not null drop table #TestTable;
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#TestTable] (
[PhaseId] [int] NOT NULL,
[ItemName] [nvarchar](50) null,
[PercentIN] [float] null,
[PercentOut] [float] null,
[Date] [Date] NULL,
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'HARDWARE', 1.5, 1.5, '8/24/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'HARDWARE', 1,0, '')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'HARDWARE',0.6,0.6, '3/22/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'HARDWARE', 1,1, '3/29/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'WOOD', 1,1, '3/21/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'PANEL', 1,1, '8/15/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'PANEL', 1.6,1.6, '4/5/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1, 'GLASS', 1,0, '2/3/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (1,'GLASS', 1,1, '1/18/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (2,'HARDWARE', 1,0, '5/18/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (2,'HARDWARE', 1.6,1.6, '8/5/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (3,'GLASS', 1,0, '3/5/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (3,'GLASS', 1,1, '5/20/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (3,'WOOD', 1,1, '7/8/2018')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (4,'PANEL', 1,0, '6/15/2017')
INSERT [dbo].[#TestTable] ([PhaseId], [ItemName], [PercentIN], [PercentOut], [Date]) VALUES (4,'PANEL', 1,1, '8/10/2017')
; with cte as
,ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by a.PhaseId order by [Date]) [rn]
If you have more categr
select b.*, ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by b.PhaseId, b.ItemName order by [date] ) [rn]
from #TestTable b
where b.Date > '1900-01-01'
) a
a.rn = 1
select *
select a.PhaseId
, b.n + isnull(cast((case when a.rn > 1 then a.rn end) as varchar),'') [cols]
from cte a
outer apply(select n,x from ( VALUES ('ItemName', cast(a.ItemName as varchar)),('PercentIn', cast(a.PercentIn as varchar)),('PercentOut', cast(a.PercentOut as varchar)),('Date', cast(a.[Date] as varchar))) b(n,x)) b
) c
For cols in ( ItemName, PercentIn, PercentOut, Date , ItemName2 , PercentIn2 , PercentOut2, Date2 , ItemName3 , PercentIn3 , PercentOut3 , Date3 , ItemName4, PercentIn4, PercentOut4 , Date4)
) pvt;
August 29, 2018 at 9:43 am
If there can be potentially more items you need to use a dynamic pivot:if OBJECT_ID('tempDb.dbo.#temp') is not null drop table #temp;
create table #temp
PhaseId int,
category varchar(50),
[value] varchar(50),
[idx] varchar(2),
[order] varchar(2)
; with cte as
,ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by a.PhaseId order by [Date]) [rn]
select b.*, ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by b.PhaseId, b.ItemName order by [date] ) [rn]
from #TestTable b
where b.Date > '1900-01-01'
) a
a.rn = 1
,temp(PhaseId,category,[value],[idx], [order])
select a.PhaseId
, b.n + isnull(cast((case when a.rn > 1 then a.rn end) as varchar),'') [cols]
from cte a
outer apply(select n,x,z from ( VALUES ('ItemName', cast(a.ItemName as varchar),'1'),('PercentIn', cast(a.PercentIn as varchar),'2'),('PercentOut', cast(a.PercentOut as varchar),'3'),('Date', cast(a.[Date] as varchar),'4')) b(n,x,z)) b
insert into #temp
select * from temp;
SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(c.category)
FROM #temp c
group by c.category ,c.idx, c.[order]
order by c.idx,c.[order]
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
set @query = 'SELECT PhaseId, ' + @cols + ' from
select PhaseId
, [value]
, category
from #temp
) x
for category in (' + @cols + ')
) p; '
August 29, 2018 at 3:09 pm
femi.olaniyan - Wednesday, August 29, 2018 9:43 AMIf there can be potentially more items you need to use a dynamic pivot:if OBJECT_ID('tempDb.dbo.#temp') is not null drop table #temp;
create table #temp
PhaseId int,
category varchar(50),
[value] varchar(50),
[idx] varchar(2),
[order] varchar(2)
; with cte as
,ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by a.PhaseId order by [Date]) [rn]from
select b.*, ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by b.PhaseId, b.ItemName order by [date] ) [rn]
from #TestTable b
where b.Date > '1900-01-01'
) a
a.rn = 1
),temp(PhaseId,category,[value],[idx], [order])
select a.PhaseId
, b.n + isnull(cast((case when a.rn > 1 then a.rn end) as varchar),'') [cols]
from cte a
outer apply(select n,x,z from ( VALUES ('ItemName', cast(a.ItemName as varchar),'1'),('PercentIn', cast(a.PercentIn as varchar),'2'),('PercentOut', cast(a.PercentOut as varchar),'3'),('Date', cast(a.[Date] as varchar),'4')) b(n,x,z)) b
)insert into #temp
select * from temp;DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX),@query AS NVARCHAR(MAX);
SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(c.category)
FROM #temp c
group by c.category ,c.idx, c.[order]
order by c.idx,c.[order]
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
,1,1,'');set @query = 'SELECT PhaseId, ' + @cols + ' from
select PhaseId
, [value]
, category
from #temp
) x
for category in (' + @cols + ')
) p; 'execute(@query);
Thank you so much. It works great!!
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