Change a Report Owner

  • An employee left and they are the owner of reports.  Now the reports won't run.  Is there anyway to change the report owner?


  • I might be able to give you some advice if you can provide a better detail such as the error description.

    How do you interact with the report is it thru the Report Manager, is there a job that actually execute the report, a snapshot?

    All reports run in the context of a user, I figured the user account must have been disabled or removed from your active directory. If you still have access to the report than chances are you can update the data source and change the credential being use by the report but firstly verify if the account has access to the database or server to be access by the report.

  • My Users are having the same problem. We have SSRS installed in SharePoint Integrated mode. All the reports were deployed by one User who left the company. When they disabled said User's account the reports stopped working. They re-enabled it as a temporary solution, but have yet to find a permanent solution. Are there best practices to deploying the reports with a system account so the reports are not owned by a specific User?

  • I use this; Run it against the reportserver db.

    DECLARE @OldUserID uniqueidentifier

    DECLARE @NewUserID uniqueidentifier

    SELECT @OldUserID = UserID FROM dbo.Users WHERE UserName = '<NewUser/domain>'

    SELECT @NewUserID = UserID FROM dbo.Users WHERE UserName = '<OldUser/domain>'

    UPDATE dbo.Subscriptions SET OwnerID = @NewUserID WHERE OwnerID = @OldUserID and laststatus like 'Failure%'

    ** we also created a ReportSub/domain user account and we use that account in the NewUser spot mentioned above.

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