Casting issue

  • Hi all.

    When I execute:




    The result is 1!!! o_O

    And, if I try to cast it to a numeric value the operation fails

    declare @str_val nvarchar(10), @int_val int
    set @str_val = N'-'
    SET @int_val = CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(@str_val) = 1 THEN CONVERT(int, CONVERT(float, @str_val)) ELSE 0 END
    print @int_val

    You know why isn't this behavior uniform for all sentences?

    How have you dealed with this?

    I'm supposed to evaluate whether (IsNumeric), (NOT '+') and (NOT '-') for all validations?


  • I'm assuming this is some sort of parsing routine, so I won't ask why you care. My guess is that + and - are not just characters, but operators as well, so there may be some issue there. Most likely a bug. Other operators appear to return 0.

    You can handle this by looking for those characters first and discarding them, then checking for more numerics.


  • Yes, is part of a routine of the type "add to string field, and if is number add to the number field too".

    Yes again, I thought it was a bug, but I don't wanted to assume things, and I decided to ask first.

    Hmmm, I guess I'll do the evaluate whether (IsNumeric), (NOT '+') and (NOT '-') for all validations part >:-|

    Thanks Steve!

  • Noticed that a single £ or $ evaluate to true aswell - guess they're classified as valid money types, and also a period, so there might be some others.  Maybe an idea to have separate check for the single character case?



  • ISNUMERIC returns 1 for all valid 'numeric chars'

    ie - not just 0-9, but operators and punctuations as well.

    (I believe everything that money can handle)

    Sometimes this is not wanted, we just want a 'numeric' to a digit 0-9 and nothing else. ISNUMERIC won't work then.

    My preference is instead to cast the value to a string and use LIKE to determine if the value qualifies for my current wanting of what a 'numeric' should represent. (or any other pattern for that matter)

    There are always several different ways to find what you're looking for - either equals something, or not equals something, so I've made a compilation of different ways to substitute ISNUMERIC with LIKE and wildcard ranges.




    -- start examples

    -- Script downloaded 4/30/2004 5:33:39 AM

    -- From The SQL Server Worldwide User's Group (

    -- Scripts provided AS-IS without warranty of any kind use at your own risk

    2003-03-10 / Kenneth Wilhelmsson

    Some samples of how to use wildcard ranges

    For the sake of argument,

    a-z are 'alpha'

    0-9 are 'numeric'

    any other char is 'special'

    drop table #x

    create table #x ( field varchar(10) not null, type varchar(20) not null )

    insert #x select 'abc', 'alpha only'

    insert #x select 'abc1', 'alpha and numeric'

    insert #x select '123' , 'numeric only'

    insert #x select 'a2c', 'alpha and numeric'

    insert #x select 'abc.-!', 'alpha + special'

    insert #x select '.-%!', 'special'

    Q: How do I find values that has NO digits (only alpha chars)?

    A: returns rows where field has no digits (0-9) at all

    select * from #x

    where FIELD NOT LIKE '%[0-9]%'

    field type

    ---------- --------------------

    abc alpha only

    abc.-! alpha + special

    .-%! special

    (3 row(s) affected)

    Q: How do I find values that has at least ONE digit?

    A: returns rows where field has at least one digit (0-9)

    select * from #x

    where FIELD LIKE '%[0-9]%'

    field type

    ---------- --------------------

    abc1 alpha and numeric

    123 numeric only

    a2c alpha and numeric

    (3 row(s) affected)

    Q: How do I find values that has ONLY standard (a-z) alpha chars and NO digits (0-9)?

    A: returns rows where field has ONLY chars specified in the range

    select * from #x

    WHERE field NOT LIKE '%[^a-z]%'

    field type

    ---------- --------------------

    abc alpha only

    (1 row(s) affected)

    Q: How do I find values that has ONLY digits (0-9)?

    A: returns rows where field has ONLY digits specified in the range

    select * from #x

    WHERE field NOT LIKE '%[a-z]%'

    field type

    ---------- --------------------

    123 numeric only

    .-%! special

    (2 row(s) affected)

    oops - as can be seen this construct needs all special to be defined within the range as well..

    select * from #x

    WHERE field NOT LIKE '%[a-z.-%!]%'

    field type

    ---------- --------------------

    123 numeric only

    (1 row(s) affected)

    Q: How do I find values that has any chars EXCEPT ONLY digits (0-9)?

    A: returns rows where field has any chars EXCEPT those who have ONLY digits

    select * from #x

    WHERE field LIKE '%[^0-9]%'

    field type

    ---------- --------------------

    abc alpha only

    abc1 alpha and numeric

    a2c alpha and numeric

    abc.-! alpha + special

    .-%! special

    (5 row(s) affected)


    WHERE field LIKE '%[a-z]%' -- this method also requires any special chars to be specified (eg more writing)..

    field type

    ---------- --------------------

    abc alpha only

    abc1 alpha and numeric

    a2c alpha and numeric

    abc.-! alpha + special

    (4 row(s) affected)

    Q: How do I find values that has any combination of chars EXCEPT ONLY alphachars (a-z)?

    A: returns rows where field has any combination of chars EXCEPT ONLY alphachars (a-z) as specified in the range

    select * from #x

    WHERE field LIKE '%[^a-z]%'

    field type

    ---------- --------------------

    abc1 alpha and numeric

    123 numeric only

    a2c alpha and numeric

    abc.-! alpha + special

    .-%! special

    (5 row(s) affected)

    Q: How do I find values that has any "special" charachters?

    A: returns rows where any char NOT in the range exists

    select * from #x

    WHERE field LIKE '%[^a-z0-9]%'

    field type

    ---------- --------------------

    abc.-! alpha + special

    .-%! special

    (2 row(s) affected)

    -- summary:

    where FIELD NOT LIKE '%[0-9]%'

    alpha only

    alpha + special


    where FIELD LIKE '%[0-9]%'

    alpha and numeric

    numeric only

    WHERE field LIKE '%[^0-9]%'

    WHERE field LIKE '%[a-z.!]%'

    alpha only

    alpha and numeric

    alpha + special


    WHERE field NOT LIKE '%[^a-z]%'

    alpha only

    WHERE field NOT LIKE '%[a-z.-%!]%'

    WHERE field NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%'

    numeric only

    WHERE field LIKE '%[^a-z0-9]%'

    alpha + special


    -- end examples

  • Searching a bit more I've found some more help,

    Efectively, seems to be a bug, in the links are some scrips to build your own and reliable IsNumeric function (Similar to Kenneth's solution).

    Other solution is to cast it to money!!, try: PRINT CAST('+' AS MONEY) and works...., no other data type is allowed.

    Well, I expect this to be useful for someone else


    Another (google groups)

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