Cast / Substring Func not working

  • Hi Guys, having a little trouble with the following func.:

    select CAST(SUBSTRING(CEFDT, 5, 2) AS varchar) as Eff_Date

    FROM DBO.DtTbl

    CEFDT is a date with a format of yyyymmdd that I need to convert to mmddyyyy. The Right/Left functions are working fine this one is giving me grief. I am receiving the following msg:

    Argument data type numeric is invalid for argument 1 of substring function.

    Any idea how I can fix this one?

    Thanx much

  • This might give you an idea, as it is, it is rather crude



    SET @CEFDT = '20091017'





    SELECT @It + @is

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  • Hey Trudye:

    You need to think about this a little. Your [CEFDT] is NOT really a date. It is a numeric column holding a bunch of numbers that might be interpreted as a date. In SQL, the datetime datatype gives you a DATEPARt() function which will break out the year, month and day.

    Unlike LEFT() and RIGHT(), the SUBSTRING() function has to work on datatypes that contain character strings (char, varchar, etc). A numeric datatype is not one of these string datatype, and your error message says exactly that: the first parameter can't be numeric (or int or float).

    However, CEFDT can be CAST or CONVERTed into a varchar. The code you posted tries to CAST the result as a varchar, but the SUBSTRING() function fails before it can return a result.


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  • bitbucket showed you the way to extract parts from a date/datetime datatyped column.

    In all other cases I advise to your convert to put date/datetime datatyped columns is a certain way.

    Convert lets you choose a desired output (or input if you go back to datetime)

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  • Thanx so much to all of you. I knew about the datepart function from VBA and I should

    have explored it before posting. I was under the false memory that the date had to be

    in the format of mmddyyyy. What bibucket showed (and I should have remembered) was I could set the format.

    Bob I have a question for you. How should I have formatted the Convert/Substring functions or

    is that a futile effort/oxymoron?

    Thanks again guys and have a great weekend. As usual you have been a tremendous help.

  • maybe this ref will shed a good light on the issue.......


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  • Trudye, I tried to give you a hint that you were casting the result. This will work with your current column which is in numeric format. First you cast the numeric column as varchar, then you apply the substring function. Remember, when you are nesting functions, you read the order of execution from the inside out.

    declare @CEFDT numeric(8,0)

    set @CEFDT = 20091013

    select SUBSTRING(CAST(@CEFDT AS varchar), 5, 2) as Eff_Date


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks so much Bob, after re-reading your response I got it. I wrote the code this morning and tested. I works Great!!!

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