June 15, 2012 at 1:21 am
Hi Guys
TemplateId ItemNAme ItemDate Value
I need Solution Like this
ItemName HardSaving2010 Hardsaving2011 CostAvoidance2010CostAvoidance2011
HArdSaving 11000 1235013001654
I Tried With this Query
Case When ItemNAme = 'Hard Savings' then sum(m.value) End as HardSavingFY10,
Case When ItemNAme = 'Hard Savings' then sum(m.value) End as HardSavingFY11,
Case When ItemNAme = 'Cost Avoidance' then sum(m.value) End as CostAvoidanceFY10,
Case When ItemNAme = 'Cost Avoidance' then sum(m.value) End as CostAvoidanceFY10
From MyTable Group by itemNAme,ItemDate
Result Set Retriving two rows but i need only one row
June 15, 2012 at 1:27 am
First of all, what you posted as a query isn't, it is just a part of the query. We really need to see the whole query to be able to assist.
What would really help us help you is if you would post the DDL for the table(s) (CREATE TABLE statements), sample data as a series of INSERT INTO statements that we can cut, paste, and run to populate your tables, and the expected results based on your sample data.
June 15, 2012 at 1:54 am
This is the query that I tried and is working fine according to the Logic.
--Creating Table
Create table Ex
(TemplateId int,
ItemNAme Varchar(20),
ItemDate Date,
Value int )
--Inserting Sample Data
Insert Into Ex
Select 010,'HardSaving','2010-01-01',200
Union ALL
Select 011,'HardSaving','2010-02-01',300
Union ALL
Select 012,'HardSaving','2010-03-01',200
Union ALL
Select 013,'HardSaving','2010-04-01',400
Union ALL
Select 014,'CostAvoidance','2010-01-01',500
Union ALL
Select 015,'CostAvoidance','2010-02-01',600
Union ALL
Select 016,'CostAvoidance','2010-03-01',200
Union ALL
Select 017,'HardSaving','2011-01-01',500
Union ALL
Select 018,'HardSaving','2011-02-01',5692
Union ALL
Select 019,'HardSaving','2011-03-01',6058
Union ALL
Select 020,'CostAvoidance','2011-01-01',528
Union ALL
Select 021,'CostAvoidance','2011-02-01',962
Union ALL
Select 022,'CostAvoidance','2011-03-01',692
--Query For Your Requirement
Select ItemNAme,
Sum(Case When DATEPART(YY, ItemDate) = 2010 AND ItemNAme = 'HardSaving' Then Value Else 0 End) As HardSavingFY10,
Sum(Case When DATEPART(YY, ItemDate) = 2011 AND ItemNAme = 'HardSaving' Then Value Else 0 End) As HardSavingFY11,
Sum(Case When DATEPART(YY, ItemDate) = 2010 AND ItemNAme = 'CostAvoidance' Then Value Else 0 End) As CostAvoidanceFY10,
Sum(Case When DATEPART(YY, ItemDate) = 2011 AND ItemNAme = 'CostAvoidance' Then Value Else 0 End) As CostAvoidanceFY11
From Ex
Group By ItemNAme
Why should it return only one row when there are two items in your Sample Data??
If you want only one row then you will have to take out one item by filtering the Result Set.
If this doesn't help then please elaborate on what you are trying to do.
June 15, 2012 at 2:59 am
Thanks Buddy...
I got the Solution
June 15, 2012 at 3:17 am
farooq.hbs (6/15/2012)
Thanks Buddy...I got the Solution
You're welcome.
Could you please post the solution so that other visitors to this thread(including me and Lynn) could know what was wrong and how you made it right??...Would be helpful for a lotta people.
June 15, 2012 at 6:01 am
This is the Solution
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2011 and mt.item_name = 'Hard Savings' then m.value End) as HardSavingFY10,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2012 and mt.item_name = 'Hard Savings' then m.value End) as HardSavingFY11,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2011 and mt.item_name = 'Cost Avoidance' then m.value End) as CostAvoidanceFY10,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2012 and mt.item_name = 'Cost Avoidance' then m.value End) as CostAvoidanceFY11 From My Table
Group By item_name
June 15, 2012 at 6:19 am
Hey Guys
If I want to make Sum Of this HardSAvingFY11 And HardSavingFY12 in the Query ?? Is there any option for this?
June 15, 2012 at 6:37 am
farooq.hbs (6/15/2012)
Hey GuysIf I want to make Sum Of this HardSAvingFY11 And HardSavingFY12 in the Query ?? Is there any option for this?
-- Enhanced Query For Your Requirement
HardSavingTotal = HardSavingFY10+HardSavingFY11,
CostAvoidanceTotal = CostAvoidanceFY10+CostAvoidanceFY11
Sum(Case When x.ItemYear = 2010 AND ItemNAme = 'HardSaving' Then Value Else 0 End) As HardSavingFY10,
Sum(Case When x.ItemYear = 2011 AND ItemNAme = 'HardSaving' Then Value Else 0 End) As HardSavingFY11,
Sum(Case When x.ItemYear = 2010 AND ItemNAme = 'CostAvoidance' Then Value Else 0 End) As CostAvoidanceFY10,
Sum(Case When x.ItemYear = 2011 AND ItemNAme = 'CostAvoidance' Then Value Else 0 End) As CostAvoidanceFY11
) d
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
June 15, 2012 at 6:41 am
Actually This is My Query. In this Query , How to sum
Declare @portfolioId Varchar(8000),
@ParentWorkids Varchar(50)
Set @portfolioId = '1800m380000iot22g3t0000000_1800m380000io7c5nr50000000'
set @ParentWorkids = '1801a2g0000ih0vl2abg000000'
SelectTOP 20 vh.parent_work_id As ParentWorkId,vh.parent_name As ParentName,vh.child_work_id As ChildWorkId,
vh.child_name As ChildName,vh.child_sequence_id As SequencesNo,vh.parent_owner_id As OwnerNo,
vh.child_work_type_code As ChildworkCode,vh.child_status_current As ChildStatus,
(Select (first_name+ ' ' + last_name) from view_user where user_id = vh.parent_owner_id) as ProjectManager,
Stuff((select ',' + (first_name+ ' ' + last_name) from vieW_user vw join view_work_role r on vw.user_id = r.user_id Join view_configurable_role cr On
cr.role_id =r.role_id and cr.name = 'Process Owner' and r.work_id = vh.child_work_id FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') AS ProjectSponsor,
(select name from View_Work where work_id = vh.child_work_id and type_name = 'Location') As Location,
Stuff((select ',' +(first_name+ ' ' + last_name) from vieW_user vw join view_work_role r on vw.user_id = r.user_id where r. role = 'Championship' and r.work_id = vh.child_work_id
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') as OtherTeamMembers,
Stuff((select (first_name+ ' ' + last_name) from vieW_user vw join view_work_role r on vw.user_id = r.user_id Join view_configurable_role cr On
cr.role_id = r.role_id and cr.name = 'CI Manager' and r.work_id = vh.child_work_id
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') AS CIManager,
(Select (first_name+ ' ' + last_name) From view_User vw join View_work_role r on vw.user_id = r.user_id Join view_tag vt on vt.object_id = r.work_id
and vt.tag_name = 'Controller' and r.work_id = vh.child_work_id) AS Controller,
(Select (first_name+ ' ' + last_name) From view_User vw join View_work_role r on vw.user_id = r.user_id Join view_tag vt on vt.object_id = r.work_id
and vt.tag_name = 'Master Black Belt' and r.work_id = vh.child_work_id) as MasterBB,
(Select value from view_work_custom_field where work_id = vh.child_work_id and name = 'Project Objective') as ProjectObjective,
(Select value from view_work_custom_field where work_id = vh.child_work_id and name = 'Problem Statement') as ProblemStatement,
(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = ' Primary Financial BBP Metric Impacted') as PrimaryBBPProcess,
(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = 'Primary Fin. BBP Metric (Level 2)') as PrimaryBBPlevel2,
(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = 'Primary Fin. BBP Metric (Level 3)') as PrimaryBBPlevel3,
(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = 'Workstream Business Group') as WorkstreamBusinessGroup,
(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = 'Workstream Business Focus Area') as WorkBusArea,
(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = 'Workstream Project Focus Area') as WorkProjectArea,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2011 and mt.item_name = 'Hard Savings' then m.value End) as HardSavingFY10,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2012 and mt.item_name = 'Hard Savings' then m.value End) as HardSavingFY11,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2011 and mt.item_name = 'Cost Avoidance' then m.value End) as CostAvoidanceFY10,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2012 and mt.item_name = 'Cost Avoidance' then m.value End) as CostAvoidanceFY11,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2011 and mt.item_name = 'One-Time / Impl. Costs' then m.value End) as OneTimeImpCostsFY10,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2012 and mt.item_name = 'One-Time / Impl. Costs' then m.value End) as OneTimeImpCostsFY11,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2011 and mt.item_name = 'Capital Expenditures' then m.value End) as CapitalExpenditures,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2012 and mt.item_name = 'Capital Expenditures' then m.value End) as CapitalExpenditures
FromView_Work_Hierarchy vh
Inner join View_Shared_Portfolio vp On vp.work_id = vh.child_work_id
Inner Join View_Metric_Instance mi on mi.linked_project_id = vh.child_work_id
Inner Join View_Metric_Template mt on mt.metric_template_id = mi.metric_template_id
Inner Join fn_Metrics('2011-01-01', '2012-12-31' )m ON m.metric_instance_id = mi.metric_instance_id
and mt.item_id = m.template_item_id
Where(vp.shared_portfolio_id = @portfolioId Or @portfolioId Is nuLL)
(vh.parent_work_id = @ParentWorkids Or @ParentWorkids Is Null)
and vh.child_work_type_code Like 'Tollgate%'
and vh.child_depth != 0
--and vh.child_work_id = '1800m380000ioetr0e5g000000'
and mt.template_name = N'Savings / Controller Validation'
and mt.locale_id = N'en'
and mt.item_name IN ( 'Hard Savings','Cost Avoidance','One-Time / Impl. Costs','Capital Expenditures')
GROUP BY vh.parent_work_id,vh.parent_name,vh.child_work_id,vh.child_name,vh.child_sequence_id,vh.parent_owner_id,
June 15, 2012 at 7:27 am
SELECT from the whole query as a derived table. Create the totals as new columns in the output list.
Are you happy with your query?
How does it perform?
Are the results correct?
How many values are returned from the correlated subqueries in the output list?
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
June 15, 2012 at 7:30 am
Yup results are Correct
but Honestly not hapy with my queryy
Plz do let me know if there is any other option so tht query runs fast
June 15, 2012 at 7:33 am
farooq.hbs (6/15/2012)
Yup results are Correctbut Honestly not hapy with my queryy
Plz do let me know if there is any other option so tht query runs fast
The answer starts here. http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/[/url]
Need help? Help us help you.
Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.
Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.
Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/
June 15, 2012 at 7:36 am
Sean Lange (6/15/2012)
farooq.hbs (6/15/2012)
Yup results are Correctbut Honestly not hapy with my queryy
Plz do let me know if there is any other option so tht query runs fast
The answer starts here. http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/[/url]
Have a look at the query Sean, the table sources are all views - meaning a heck of a lot of DDL and not a little DML to boot. I reckon we can give the OP some assistance without it, and ask if necessary.
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
June 15, 2012 at 8:06 am
Here's a start. Test and comment.
Declare @portfolioId Varchar(8000),
@ParentWorkids Varchar(50)
Set @portfolioId = '1800m380000iot22g3t0000000_1800m380000io7c5nr50000000' -- this looks like TWO concatenated portfolioIds
set @ParentWorkids = '1801a2g0000ih0vl2abg000000'
SELECT child_work_id = [object_id],
PrimaryBBPProcess = MAX(CASE WHEN tagset_name = ' Primary Financial BBP Metric Impacted' THEN tag_name ELSE NULL END),
PrimaryBBPlevel2 = MAX(CASE WHEN tagset_name = 'Primary Fin. BBP Metric (Level 2)' THEN tag_name ELSE NULL END),
PrimaryBBPlevel3 = MAX(CASE WHEN tagset_name = 'Primary Fin. BBP Metric (Level 3)' THEN tag_name ELSE NULL END),
WorkstreamBusinessGroup = MAX(CASE WHEN tagset_name = 'Workstream Business Group' THEN tag_name ELSE NULL END),
WorkBusArea = MAX(CASE WHEN tagset_name = 'Workstream Business Focus Area' THEN tag_name ELSE NULL END),
WorkProjectArea = MAX(CASE WHEN tagset_name = 'Workstream Project Focus Area' THEN tag_name ELSE NULL END)
INTO #View_Tag
FROM view_tag
GROUP BY [object_id]
SelectTOP 20
vh.parent_work_id As ParentWorkId,
vh.parent_name As ParentName,
vh.child_work_id As ChildWorkId,
vh.child_name As ChildName,
vh.child_sequence_id As SequencesNo,
vh.parent_owner_id As OwnerNo,
vh.child_work_type_code As ChildworkCode,
vh.child_status_current As ChildStatus,
(Select (first_name+ ' ' + last_name)
from view_user
where user_id = vh.parent_owner_id) as ProjectManager,
Stuff((select ',' + (first_name+ ' ' + last_name)
from vieW_user vw
join view_work_role r on vw.user_id = r.user_id
Join view_configurable_role cr On cr.role_id =r.role_id and cr.name = 'Process Owner' and r.work_id = vh.child_work_id
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') AS ProjectSponsor,
(select name
from View_Work
where work_id = vh.child_work_id and type_name = 'Location') As Location,
Stuff((select ',' +(first_name+ ' ' + last_name)
from vieW_user vw
join view_work_role r on vw.user_id = r.user_id
where r. role = 'Championship' and r.work_id = vh.child_work_id
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') as OtherTeamMembers,
Stuff((select (first_name+ ' ' + last_name)
from vieW_user vw
join view_work_role r on vw.user_id = r.user_id
Join view_configurable_role cr On cr.role_id = r.role_id and cr.name = 'CI Manager' and r.work_id = vh.child_work_id
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') AS CIManager,
(Select (first_name+ ' ' + last_name)
From view_User vw
join View_work_role r on vw.user_id = r.user_id
Join view_tag vt on vt.object_id = r.work_id and vt.tag_name = 'Controller' and r.work_id = vh.child_work_id) AS Controller,
(Select (first_name+ ' ' + last_name)
From view_User vw
join View_work_role r on vw.user_id = r.user_id
Join view_tag vt on vt.object_id = r.work_id
and vt.tag_name = 'Master Black Belt' and r.work_id = vh.child_work_id) as MasterBB,
(Select value from view_work_custom_field where work_id = vh.child_work_id and name = 'Project Objective') as ProjectObjective,
(Select value from view_work_custom_field where work_id = vh.child_work_id and name = 'Problem Statement') as ProblemStatement,
--(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = ' Primary Financial BBP Metric Impacted') as PrimaryBBPProcess,
--(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = 'Primary Fin. BBP Metric (Level 2)') as PrimaryBBPlevel2,
--(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = 'Primary Fin. BBP Metric (Level 3)') as PrimaryBBPlevel3,
--(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = 'Workstream Business Group') as WorkstreamBusinessGroup,
--(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = 'Workstream Business Focus Area') as WorkBusArea,
--(select tag_name from view_tag where object_id = vh.child_work_id and tagset_name = 'Workstream Project Focus Area') as WorkProjectArea,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2011 and mt.item_name = 'Hard Savings' then m.value End) as HardSavingFY10,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2012 and mt.item_name = 'Hard Savings' then m.value End) as HardSavingFY11,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2011 and mt.item_name = 'Cost Avoidance' then m.value End) as CostAvoidanceFY10,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2012 and mt.item_name = 'Cost Avoidance' then m.value End) as CostAvoidanceFY11,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2011 and mt.item_name = 'One-Time / Impl. Costs' then m.value End) as OneTimeImpCostsFY10,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2012 and mt.item_name = 'One-Time / Impl. Costs' then m.value End) as OneTimeImpCostsFY11,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2011 and mt.item_name = 'Capital Expenditures' then m.value End) as CapitalExpenditures,
Sum(Case When Datepart(year,mdate)= 2012 and mt.item_name = 'Capital Expenditures' then m.value End) as CapitalExpenditures
From View_Work_Hierarchy vh
Inner join View_Shared_Portfolio vp On vp.work_id = vh.child_work_id
Inner Join View_Metric_Instance mi on mi.linked_project_id = vh.child_work_id
Inner Join View_Metric_Template mt on mt.metric_template_id = mi.metric_template_id
Inner Join fn_Metrics('2011-01-01', '2012-12-31' )m ON m.metric_instance_id = mi.metric_instance_id
and mt.item_id = m.template_item_id
LEFT JOIN #View_Tag vt ON vt.child_work_id = vh.child_work_id
Where(vp.shared_portfolio_id = @portfolioId Or @portfolioId Is nuLL)
(vh.parent_work_id = @ParentWorkids Or @ParentWorkids Is Null)
and vh.child_work_type_code Like 'Tollgate%'
and vh.child_depth != 0
--and vh.child_work_id = '1800m380000ioetr0e5g000000'
and mt.template_name = N'Savings / Controller Validation'
and mt.locale_id = N'en'
and mt.item_name IN ( 'Hard Savings','Cost Avoidance','One-Time / Impl. Costs','Capital Expenditures')
GROUP BY vh.parent_work_id,vh.parent_name,vh.child_work_id,vh.child_name,vh.child_sequence_id,vh.parent_owner_id,
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
June 15, 2012 at 8:10 am
ChrisM@Work (6/15/2012)
Sean Lange (6/15/2012)
farooq.hbs (6/15/2012)
Yup results are Correctbut Honestly not hapy with my queryy
Plz do let me know if there is any other option so tht query runs fast
The answer starts here. http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/[/url]
Have a look at the query Sean, the table sources are all views - meaning a heck of a lot of DDL and not a little DML to boot. I reckon we can give the OP some assistance without it, and ask if necessary.
True that it is a lot of effort but that query is mighty large. I would not feel comfortable offering much help for performance without something to work with. Since the code was largely illegible because of formatting I formatted it so we can all read it.
SELECT TOP 20 vh.parent_work_id AS ParentWorkId
,vh.parent_name AS ParentName
,vh.child_work_id AS ChildWorkId
,vh.child_name AS ChildName
,vh.child_sequence_id AS SequencesNo
,vh.parent_owner_id AS OwnerNo
,vh.child_work_type_code AS ChildworkCode
,vh.child_status_current AS ChildStatus
SELECT (first_name + ' ' + last_name)
FROM view_user
WHERE user_id = vh.parent_owner_id
) AS ProjectManager
SELECT ',' + (first_name + ' ' + last_name)
FROM vieW_user vw
INNER JOIN view_work_role r ON vw.user_id = r.user_id
INNER JOIN view_configurable_role cr ON cr.role_id = r.role_id
AND cr.NAME = 'Process Owner'
AND r.work_id = vh.child_work_id
).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '') AS ProjectSponsor
FROM View_Work
WHERE work_id = vh.child_work_id
AND type_name = 'Location'
) AS Location
SELECT ',' + (first_name + ' ' + last_name)
FROM vieW_user vw
INNER JOIN view_work_role r ON vw.user_id = r.user_id
WHERE r.ROLE = 'Championship'
AND r.work_id = vh.child_work_id
).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '') AS OtherTeamMembers
SELECT (first_name + ' ' + last_name)
FROM vieW_user vw
INNER JOIN view_work_role r ON vw.user_id = r.user_id
INNER JOIN view_configurable_role cr ON cr.role_id = r.role_id
AND cr.NAME = 'CI Manager'
AND r.work_id = vh.child_work_id
).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '') AS CIManager
SELECT (first_name + ' ' + last_name)
FROM view_User vw
INNER JOIN View_work_role r ON vw.user_id = r.user_id
INNER JOIN view_tag vt ON vt.object_id = r.work_id
AND vt.tag_name = 'Controller'
AND r.work_id = vh.child_work_id
) AS Controller
SELECT (first_name + ' ' + last_name)
FROM view_User vw
INNER JOIN View_work_role r ON vw.user_id = r.user_id
INNER JOIN view_tag vt ON vt.object_id = r.work_id
AND vt.tag_name = 'Master Black Belt'
AND r.work_id = vh.child_work_id
) AS MasterBB
SELECT value
FROM view_work_custom_field
WHERE work_id = vh.child_work_id
AND NAME = 'Project Objective'
) AS ProjectObjective
SELECT value
FROM view_work_custom_field
WHERE work_id = vh.child_work_id
AND NAME = 'Problem Statement'
) AS ProblemStatement
SELECT tag_name
FROM view_tag
WHERE object_id = vh.child_work_id
AND tagset_name = ' Primary Financial BBP Metric Impacted'
) AS PrimaryBBPProcess
SELECT tag_name
FROM view_tag
WHERE object_id = vh.child_work_id
AND tagset_name = 'Primary Fin. BBP Metric (Level 2)'
) AS PrimaryBBPlevel2
SELECT tag_name
FROM view_tag
WHERE object_id = vh.child_work_id
AND tagset_name = 'Primary Fin. BBP Metric (Level 3)'
) AS PrimaryBBPlevel3
SELECT tag_name
FROM view_tag
WHERE object_id = vh.child_work_id
AND tagset_name = 'Workstream Business Group'
) AS WorkstreamBusinessGroup
SELECT tag_name
FROM view_tag
WHERE object_id = vh.child_work_id
AND tagset_name = 'Workstream Business Focus Area'
) AS WorkBusArea
SELECT tag_name
FROM view_tag
WHERE object_id = vh.child_work_id
AND tagset_name = 'Workstream Project Focus Area'
) AS WorkProjectArea
WHEN Datepart(year, mdate) = 2011
AND mt.item_name = 'Hard Savings'
THEN m.value
END) AS HardSavingFY10
WHEN Datepart(year, mdate) = 2012
AND mt.item_name = 'Hard Savings'
THEN m.value
END) AS HardSavingFY11
WHEN Datepart(year, mdate) = 2011
AND mt.item_name = 'Cost Avoidance'
THEN m.value
END) AS CostAvoidanceFY10
WHEN Datepart(year, mdate) = 2012
AND mt.item_name = 'Cost Avoidance'
THEN m.value
END) AS CostAvoidanceFY11
WHEN Datepart(year, mdate) = 2011
AND mt.item_name = 'One-Time / Impl. Costs'
THEN m.value
END) AS OneTimeImpCostsFY10
WHEN Datepart(year, mdate) = 2012
AND mt.item_name = 'One-Time / Impl. Costs'
THEN m.value
END) AS OneTimeImpCostsFY11
WHEN Datepart(year, mdate) = 2011
AND mt.item_name = 'Capital Expenditures'
THEN m.value
END) AS CapitalExpenditures
WHEN Datepart(year, mdate) = 2012
AND mt.item_name = 'Capital Expenditures'
THEN m.value
END) AS CapitalExpenditures
FROM View_Work_Hierarchy vh
INNER JOIN View_Shared_Portfolio vp ON vp.work_id = vh.child_work_id
INNER JOIN View_Metric_Instance mi ON mi.linked_project_id = vh.child_work_id
INNER JOIN View_Metric_Template mt ON mt.metric_template_id = mi.metric_template_id
INNER JOIN fn_Metrics('2011-01-01', '2012-12-31') m ON m.metric_instance_id = mi.metric_instance_id
AND mt.item_id = m.template_item_id
vp.shared_portfolio_id = @portfolioId
OR @portfolioId IS NULL
vh.parent_work_id = @ParentWorkids
OR @ParentWorkids IS NULL
AND vh.child_work_type_code LIKE 'Tollgate%'
AND vh.child_depth != 0
--and vh.child_work_id = '1800m380000ioetr0e5g000000'
AND mt.template_name = N'Savings / Controller Validation'
AND mt.locale_id = N'en'
AND mt.item_name IN (
'Hard Savings'
,'Cost Avoidance'
,'One-Time / Impl. Costs'
,'Capital Expenditures'
GROUP BY vh.parent_work_id
There are multiple subselects all hitting multiple view over and over.
The OP stated that the query gets the correct results but I question that to some extent. There is a TOP 20 but there is no order by.
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Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.
Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/
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