• Hi All,

    I have one scenario.

    create table #YTD


    sID varchar(20),

    Stage varchar(30),

    year_start datetime,

    year_end datetime,

    Jan decimal(16,8) ,

    Feb decimal(16,8) ,

    Mar decimal(16,8) ,

    Apr decimal(16,8) ,

    May decimal(16,8) ,

    Jun decimal(16,8) ,

    Jul decimal(16,8) ,

    Aug decimal(16,8) ,

    Sep decimal(16,8) ,

    Oct decimal(16,8) ,

    Nov decimal(16,8) ,

    Dec decimal(16,8) ,

    MTD_Date datetime,

    MTD_return decimal(16,8) ,

    YTD_return decimal(16,8)


    Insert into #YTD (SID,Stage,Year_Start,Year_End,MTD_Date)

    select 'TP001,'P','01/01/2009','24/apr/2009','24/apr/2009'

    I have one more table called Perf

    create table Perf


    sID varchar(20),

    Stage char(1),

    PerfDate datetime,

    GrossValue decimal(16,8)


    insert into Perf

    select 'TP001','P','JAN/31/2009',5

    union all

    select 'TP001','P','FEB/28/2009',4

    union all

    select 'TP001','P','MAR/31/2009',7

    I have to pupulate the above value in #YTD table.

    so i have written one update statement as below

    declare @yy int

    select @yy = datepart(yy,'01/01/2009')

    Update #YTD

    set Jan = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 1

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    Feb = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 2

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    Mar = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 3

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    Apr = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 4

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    May = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 5

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    Jun = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 6

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    Jul = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 7

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    Aug = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 8

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    Sep = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 9

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    Oct = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 10

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    Nov = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 11

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end,

    Dec = case when datepart(mm,PerfDate) = 12

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = @yy

    then isnull(GrossValue,0) end

    from Perf

    where #YTD.sID = Perf.sID

    and #YTD.Stage = Perf.Stage

    and PerfDate between '01/01/2009' and '24/apr/2009'

    select * from #YTD

    But the above query is just updating 'MAR' column only. Where is the problem?

    Inputs are highly appreciable!


  • Why you need #YTD at all?

    I believe Jeff Moden was trying to teach you how to do cross tab queries...

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Karthik

    I'm just curious, why do you have two different date formats?

    and PerfDate between '01/01/2009' and '24/apr/2009'

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • Your posted code is incomplete/improperly copied (missing quote mark):

    Insert into #YTD (SID,Stage,Year_Start,Year_End,MTD_Date)

    select 'TP001,'P','01/01/2009','24/apr/2009','24/apr/2009'

    And, as previous poster points out, date formats are incompatible, so the last inserts fail. 'JAN/31/2009' won't go into the datetime field.

    So how did you even get the main select to run if the test data wasn't right?

  • Aside from the fact that your posted code does not work, it seems that your JOIN condition is not correct and that is what's causing your problem.

    Check out this code. You get 3 rows back instead of one.

    select *

    from #YTD

    join #Perf

    on #YTD.sID = #Perf.sID

    and #YTD.Stage = #Perf.Stage

    where PerfDate between '01/01/2009' and '4/24/2009'

    and datepart(yy,PerfDate) = 2009

    Oh, and BTW, any condition that you are checking in EVERY CASE of your CASE statement can be moved to the WHERE clause. In this case datepart(yy,PerfDate) = 2009 does not have to be repeated 12 times.

  • And please do not cross post.

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