Case trouble for IN subquery

  • I have the following in my WHERE clause for my Sql Server Reporting Services 2000 report (the user can use the parameter @MaxRevs to view all numbers (colNumber) or only the max of colNumbers when grouped by colParentNumber):

    AND (tblMain.colNumber IN CASE @MaxRevs WHEN '' THEN '(SELECT colNumber FROM tblMain)' ELSE '(Select max(colNumber) From tblMain Group By [colParentNumber])' END))

    I get the following error:

    1.  ADO error: Syntax error or ADO access error

    I've used Case in the past, but it was for a "Like" portion in my WHERE clause.


  • First off you are probably getting due to the fact tblMain.colNumber is a numeric or integer data type where you comparison value is a character type thus a type mismatch will occurr and you get an error.

    I think what you actually want is something like this




       (CASE WHEN @MaxRevs = '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0 AND

       tblMain.colNumber IN (SELECT colNumber FROM tblMain)) OR (

       (CASE WHEN @MaxRevs != '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0 AND

       tblMain.colNumber IN (Select max(colNumber) From tblMain Group By [colParentNumber])))

  • Hi Antares686,

    The column colNumber is actually a string since the user can define whatever format they need to be able to recognize it.

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