case statement with and like operators

  • Hello, I'm trying to remove results from this sql statement where the custid like '%abc%' and company = 'abc', but think I'm getting the syntax wrong. Not including the entire thing, hopefully it's enough. the case statement begins at t2.custid.

    Please help if you can, thank you!




    WHEN custid like '%abc%' and company = 'abc'

    then null

    ELSE custid


    from Dtl1 t1

    left outer join Customer t2

    on t1.Company = t2.Company

    and t1.CustNum = t2.CustNum

    join Reason t3

    on t1.Company = t3.Company

    and t1.ReasonCode= t3.ReasonCode

    join Head1 t4

    on t1.Company = t4.Company

    and t1.ReturnNum = t4.ReturnNum

    join Rcpt t5

    on t4.Company = t5.Company

    and t4.ReturnNum = t5.ReturnNum

    and t1.returnline = t5.returnline

    join ReturnDispose t7

    on t5.Company = t7.Company

    and t5.ReturnNum = t7.ReturnNum

    and t5.ReturnLine = t7.ReturnLine

    left outer join biPart p

    on t1.Company = p.Company

    and t1.PartNum = p.PartNum

    left outer join Dtl2 t6

    on =

    and t1.ordernum = t6.ordernum

    and t1.returnnum = t6.returnnum

    and t1.returnline = t6.returnline

    left outer join


    sum(sellingshipqty) as Shipping

    year(invoicedate) as InvoiceYear,

    month(invoicedate) as InvoiceMonth,

    from Dtl2 t6

    join head2  t12

    on =

    and t6.InvoiceNum = t12.InvoiceNum

    where = 'abc'

    group by, year(invoicedate), month(invoicedate)) Sales

    on =

    and year (t4.returndate) = sales.InvoiceYear

    and month(t4.returndate) = sales.InvoiceMonth


    left outer join


    sum(ReturnQty) as Returns,

    year(returndate) as ReturnYear,

    month(returndate) as ReturnMonth

    from Dtl1 t1

    join Head1 t4

    on =

    and t1.returnNum = t4.returnNum

    where = 'abc'

    group by, year(returndate), month(returndate)) Ret

    on =

    and year (t4.returndate) = ret.returnYear

    and month(t4.returndate) = ret.returnMonth

    where t4.ReturnDate >= DATEADD(yy,-2,DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE()),0))

  • Removal of results is done by including your condition in the WHERE clause, not in the SELECT.

    WHERE custid not like '%abc%' or company <> 'abc'

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • If you just want to change the result column in the SELECT, then do this:


    CustID =


    WHEN custid like '%abc%' and company = 'abc'

    then null

    ELSE custid



    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

  • Thanks Phil, I'm not getting any errors, however my returndate restriction is no longer working,

    (where t4.ReturnDate >= DATEADD(yy,-2,DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE()),0)))

    it is pulling all results, instead of those just going back two years.

    Current code: where t4.ReturnDate >= DATEADD(yy,-2,DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE()),0)) --Jan 1 of 2 yrs back to now

    and t2.custid not like '%abc%' and t1.Company like 'abc'

  • Your code is different from what I suggested. In particular, you changed <> to 'Like'.

    SELECT ...
    FROM sometables
    WHERE t4.ReturnDate >= DATEADD (yy, -2, DATEADD (yy, DATEDIFF (yy, 0, GETDATE ()), 0))
    AND t2.custid NOT LIKE '%abc%'
    AND t1.Company <> 'abc';

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • With those new characters, I get the following error message without displaying the change:

    "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected."

  • The code fragment I posted would not create that error. Can you post the entire text of the query which is giving that error?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • t1.Company,



    WHEN custid like '%abc%' and company = 'abc'

    then null

    ELSE custid


    from Dtl1 t1

    left outer join Customer t2

    on t1.Company = t2.Company

    and t1.CustNum = t2.CustNum

    join Reason t3

    on t1.Company = t3.Company

    and t1.ReasonCode= t3.ReasonCode

    join Head1 t4

    on t1.Company = t4.Company

    and t1.ReturnNum = t4.ReturnNum

    join Rcpt t5

    on t4.Company = t5.Company

    and t4.ReturnNum = t5.ReturnNum

    and t1.returnline = t5.returnline

    join ReturnDispose t7

    on t5.Company = t7.Company

    and t5.ReturnNum = t7.ReturnNum

    and t5.ReturnLine = t7.ReturnLine

    left outer join biPart p

    on t1.Company = p.Company

    and t1.PartNum = p.PartNum

    left outer join Dtl2 t6

    on =

    and t1.ordernum = t6.ordernum

    and t1.returnnum = t6.returnnum

    and t1.returnline = t6.returnline

    left outer join


    sum(sellingshipqty) as Shipping

    year(invoicedate) as InvoiceYear,

    month(invoicedate) as InvoiceMonth,

    from Dtl2 t6

    join head2 t12

    on =

    and t6.InvoiceNum = t12.InvoiceNum

    where = 'abc'

    group by, year(invoicedate), month(invoicedate)) Sales

    on =

    and year (t4.returndate) = sales.InvoiceYear

    and month(t4.returndate) = sales.InvoiceMonth


    left outer join


    sum(ReturnQty) as Returns,

    year(returndate) as ReturnYear,

    month(returndate) as ReturnMonth

    from Dtl1 t1

    join Head1 t4

    on =

    and t1.returnNum = t4.returnNum

    where = 'abc'

    group by, year(returndate), month(returndate)) Ret

    on =

    and year (t4.returndate) = ret.returnYear

    and month(t4.returndate) = ret.returnMonth

    where t4.ReturnDate >= DATEADD(yy,-2,DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE()),0))

    and t2.custid not like '%abc%' and t1.Company &lt;&gt; 'abc01'

  • Not sure what that is, but try pressing 'Parse' (CTRL/F5) on it and you'll see that it doesn't.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • Please use the {;}Code button when posting code.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Did the <> symbol get mangled? It shows as "&lt;&g" here

    and t2.custid not like '%abc%' and t1.Company <> 'abc01'

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by  Ed B. Reason: edit
  • Ed, yes, I was seriously confused about those characters, didn't realize they were supposed to be the less than/greater than symbols.

    That code is now running without error, but the problem is the code is taking out ALL results where company = 'abc01' and eliminating  all custids like '%abc%' from ALL companies.  I tried to put the new where statement in parenthesis but that didn't seem to improve it.

    where t4.ReturnDate >= DATEADD(yy,-2,DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE()),0))

    (and t2.custid not like '%abc%' and t1.Company <> 'abc01')

  • Wren wrote:

    That code is now running without error, but the problem is the code is taking out ALL results where company = 'abc01' and eliminating  all custids like '%abc%' from ALL companies.  I tried to put the new where statement in parenthesis but that didn't seem to improve it.

    If you only want to exclude %abc% for company abc01 then maybe something like this. Without the tables I can't tell whether I have the brackets/parens right.

    where t4.ReturnDate >= DATEADD(yy,-2,DATEADD(yy,DATEDIFF(yy,0,GETDATE()),0))
    and (
    ( t1.Company = 'abc01' and t2.custid not like '%abc%')
    (t1.Company <> 'abc01')

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