Case statement sytax help??

  • Hello all

    Scenario: I am looking to only use this case statement if the field P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id is equal to (105188, 105191,

    105194, 105197, 105200, 105203, 105206, 105209, 105212 )

    - If the carrier_id is not equal to these numbers than I need to return NULL

    Right now it is doing to opposite, Im guess im just looking for the opposite of the IN trigger??

    CASE WHEN P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id

    IN (105188, 105191, 105194, 105197, 105200

    , 105203, 105206, 105209, 105212 )


    WHEN SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions

    , PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%'

    , P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6)


    THEN dbo.Address_Table.ups_code

    ELSE SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions

    , PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%'

    , P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6)


  • How about just using the keyword Not?

    As in,

    WHEN NOT P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id IN

  • Bah im an idiot.. I tried like 5 diff switches before that haha

  • OK could someone help me re-evaluate my statement here. I am looking to only use this CASE when these values (105188, 105191, 105194, 105197, 105200, 105203, 105206, 105209, 105212) are in p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id field. Here is my statement:

    CASE WHEN P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id

    NOT IN (105188, 105191, 105194, 105197, 105200

    , 105203, 105206, 105209, 105212 )


    WHEN SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions

    , PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%'

    , P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6)


    THEN dbo.Address_Table.ups_code

    ELSE SUBSTRING(P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions

    , PATINDEX('%[^a-z ]%'

    , P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_hdr.delivery_instructions) + 1, 6)


    When I run this it returns the values that are in my CASE if P21PLAY.dbo.p21_view_oe_pick_ticket.carrier_id is on of my values or not. any help appreciate ???

  • I'm not sure what you mean by 'not using the CASE'.

    In your code the Case is run on every record. One of three things can happen:

    If your carrier_id does not equal one of the numbers in your in statement, UPS_Final is set to null

    else if your substring conditions are true, something else happens

    else you return substring

    Is your problem that UPS_Final is never being set to Null?

  • Yup exactly thats my issue is that my values in UPS_Final are never set to null. When I execute with a matching number I get a value in UPS_Final and when I dont have a match in Carrier_id I still get a value in UPS_Final when I want a null

  • Hmm, then that is strange, I can't see anything wrong with your Case statement, and in my own tests I can't reproduce the problem. Is it possible that the carrier_id is not an integer? If it is a varchar or something, that could explain why the IN is not working.

  • Wierd to me to.. the other way works perfectly for me?? I checked the field and it is

    decimal(19,0) null

    Is there another way I can write this same case statement possibly ??

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