CASE Statement not working

  • This case statement below is getting a syntax error in my query:

    RIGHT OUTER JOIN AmEx_Sampling.dbo.v_SY_QuestionsFormat qf

       ON (qf.sy_templateid = c.sy_templateid and qf.qstid = r.qid )

      AND CHARINDEX(CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[0][1-9],%', r.datavalue) > 0

                    THEN  CASE WHEN LEN(qf.formatvalue) > 1 THEN ''

                          ELSE '0'


                    ELSE ''


                 + CAST(qf.formatvalue AS VARCHAR(2))

                 , r.datavalue)

    WHERE c.SY_Active = 1


    When I built it separately with variables it worked:

    SET @sFound3 = CHARINDEX(CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[0][1-9],%', @sMultiResp) > 0

                    THEN  CASE WHEN LEN(@sResp) > 1 THEN ''

                          ELSE '0'


                    ELSE ''


                 + CAST(@sResp AS VARCHAR(2))

                 , @sMultiResp)


    Does anyone know why it would work with variables but not on a SELECT Query with joins?  If you need more info let me know.  I just cut out the actually pieces of code for the CASE.  I narrowed it down to this statement.

    The error message is "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'."  The query works before I add the nested case statements to the CHARINDEX().  Thanks for the help.

  • When you are creating join criteria it is formattted as.

    join table on somefield = somefield

                and SomotherField >= SomeotherField


    Your join has

    (qf.sy_templateid = c.sy_templateid and qf.qstid = r.qid )

    which is fine.

    But this section does hot have a valid expression.

    it does hot have a comparrison. Expression should return a true.

     AND CHARINDEX(CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[0][1-9],%', r.datavalue) > 0

                    THEN  CASE WHEN LEN(qf.formatvalue) > 1 THEN ''

                          ELSE '0'


                    ELSE ''


                 + CAST(qf.formatvalue AS VARCHAR(2))

                 , r.datavalue) = what?

  • Thank you Ray.  You hit the nail on the head.  I had forgotten to complete the evaluation portion of the AND clause on the join.  The CHARINDEX() was returning an INT but I wasn't comparing it to anything. I needed to add "> 0" to it.

  • Hi Joe,

    Is this Joe Celko the author?  Or are you just using his name for the forums?  Either way I appreciate your response to my issue.

    I would like to explain why I am doing this portion of the query the way I am.  We have a table in a database, which I did not design, that has a column with comma delimited values.  These values represent multiple responses to a single question.  The table is built from flat files received from the application that is used to program a questionnaire.  On multiple responses to one question it captures the responses and delimits them with a ",".

    The portion of this query that I am using joins the responses table, w/ the column that includes the comma delimited values, to a table that has the valid responses to a question (tbQuestionFormat) .  The valid responses in the tbQuestionFormat are INT datatype but the responses could have a leading 0 if there is a possible 2 digit response like 10. 

    Example:  Q1 can have multiple responses and the response value could be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,97.  Because of this the single digit responses are zero filled.

    In order to compare the values using the CHARINDEX() I have to convert the (formatvalue) which is an INT to a VARCHAR to add a leading 0 when necessary.

    I agree with you that it requires extra formatting and CASE statements to correct.  I need to separate the multiple responses that are one record in the original response table into a record for each response so I can summarize the data.

    I hope that makes sense.  I agree that I do need to do a little more reading on database design and programming.  My programming background is from the web based side but I never really designed databases from scratch.  They were usually already established.  So, I have a large learning curve.  I am definitely open to learning better practices.  Please provide me with some recommended reading material on the subject. 

    Thanks again for the info.  I look forward to your response and chatting further about the subject.

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