September 6, 2016 at 11:45 am
First of all let me start by saying Hello everyone and I'm a decent Front End Dev not a backend. So my question is am I using the correct method to get convert my data or should I be going in a totally different direction? I hope that I've explained well enough to not confuse anyone.
Update Staging
Set P_Staged_By = CASE
WHEN P_Staged_By = '0' THEN '00'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '1' THEN '10'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '2' THEN '14'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '3' THEN '15'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '4' THEN '10'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '5' THEN '20'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '6' THEN '30'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '7' THEN '50'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '8' THEN '88'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '9' AND Pt is null AND Pn is null AND Pm is null AND P_Ajcc_Grp is null or Pt = 'X' AND Pn = 'X' AND Pm = 'X' AND P_Ajcc_Grp = '99'
THEN '00'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '9' OR Pt = '88' OR Pn = '88' OR Pm = '88' OR P_Ajcc_Grp = '88' THEN '88'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '9' THEN '99'
From Staging
The 0-8 methods works flawlessly. The part I'm having trouble on is the P_Staged_By = '9'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '9' AND Pt is null AND Pn is null AND Pm is null AND P_Ajcc_Grp is null
this part works fine but when I try to replace the null with 'X' that doesn't work.
WHEN P_Staged_By = '9' OR Pt = '88' OR Pn = '88' OR Pm = '88' OR P_Ajcc_Grp = '88' THEN '88'
seems to also work fine.
WHEN P_Staged_By = '9' THEN '99'
this will make everything that is 9 into 99.
September 6, 2016 at 12:04 pm
Can you please post the DDL (Create table), sample data as an insert statement and the expected results?
September 6, 2016 at 12:12 pm
I believe that you're missing some parenthesis and you might need to change one of the conditions to allow the last part to be evaluated.
Update Staging
Set P_Staged_By = CASE
WHEN P_Staged_By = '0' THEN '00'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '1' THEN '10'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '2' THEN '14'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '3' THEN '15'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '4' THEN '10'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '5' THEN '20'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '6' THEN '30'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '7' THEN '50'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '8' THEN '88'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '9'
AND ((Pt is null
AND Pn is null
AND Pm is null
AND P_Ajcc_Grp is null)
or (Pt = 'X'
AND Pn = 'X'
AND Pm = 'X'
AND P_Ajcc_Grp = '99')) THEN '00'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '9'
AND( Pt = '88'
OR Pn = '88'
OR Pm = '88'
OR P_Ajcc_Grp = '88') THEN '88'
WHEN P_Staged_By = '9' THEN '99'
From Staging;
September 6, 2016 at 12:20 pm
If you're not sure, instead of using an "OR", add another CASE. This will both make it easier to understand your logic and prevent problems with not specifying the correct precedence of the operations.
You might also be able to rearrange your CASE expressions to simplify the remaining CASE expressions.
J. Drew Allen
Business Intelligence Analyst
Philadelphia, PA
September 6, 2016 at 12:32 pm
Thanks man that did the trick. I just wasn't seeing what I was doing wrong.
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