CASE Statement column Alias

  • Hi,

    I have a query where I have used CASE statement to derive a column, how can I call this column in WHERE clause?

    How do I assign as Alias to this column?


    R.[systemname] AS 'Market'

    ,SD.[Group] AS [Group]

    ,RT.[type] AS [Type]

    ,DATENAME (mm, SD.[StartDate]) As [Month]

    ,SUM(CASE SD.EstimateTime

    WHEN '-' THEN 0

    WHEN '0 (web)' THEN 0

    WHEN '15 mins' THEN 15

    WHEN '30 mins' THEN 30

    WHEN '45 mins' THEN 45

    WHEN '1 hour' THEN 60

    WHEN '1 hr 15' THEN 75

    WHEN '1hr 30' THEN 90

    ELSE '0'

    END )

    AS 'Estimate'

    ,SUM(CASE SD.Actual

    WHEN '-' THEN 0

    WHEN '0 (web)' THEN 0

    WHEN '15 mins' THEN 15

    WHEN '30 mins' THEN 30

    WHEN '45 mins' THEN 45

    WHEN '1 hour' THEN 60

    WHEN '1 hr 15' THEN 75

    WHEN '1hr 30' THEN 90

    WHEN '1 hr 45' THEN 105

    ELSE '0'

    END) AS 'Actual'

    ,'MGroup' = CASE

    WHEN RRS.[system_name] = ('Cash') THEN ('Finance')

    WHEN RRS.[system_name] =('Bank') THEN ('Finance')

    WHEN RRS.[system_name] =('Bankers') THEN 'Finance'


    ,COUNT(*) AS Count

    FROM [DBName].[dbo].[Tablename] AS RR


    SD.StartDate BETWEEN ('20140101') AND ('20140120') AND

    MGroup in (@MGroup)





    Thanks very much

  • You need to either use a subquery or CTE or to put the entire CASE in the where clause. The WHERE is evaluated before the aliases in the select are applied, hence you can't reference an alias in the where clause.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I used Sub query and it worked.


  • I think you might benefit from reading this book:

    Expands a bit more on Gail's response above.

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