November 4, 2009 at 11:39 am
Hi All,
I have a table in a SQL 2000 database. The structure is shown below:
I want a query that would return the result set in the following format.
1WeekAgo 2WeekAgo 1MonthAgo
I am using case to do this.
But the problem is if there is record with yesterday's date, it is only being counted in the first case condition. And i want this to be counted in the 3rd condition as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
November 4, 2009 at 12:10 pm
details, details, details.
your making it hard on us! you've posted over a hundred times, so I can pretty much assume you've seen requests to provide CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO scripts for any questions you pose.
you get instant working answers if you provide that information! do your part so we can help you better!
here's a WAG with some assumptions on the data. you should be able to adapt this with your real table names.
to get it to count in multiple sections, change the = signs in the case statements to all < =(less than equal to)signs, so you get kind of like a "running total"
typical results::
------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- --------------
apples 1 1 1 2
oranges 1 1 1 2
Create Table UnknownName(
ProdName varchar(30),
Sale_Date datetime )
insert into UnknownName
SELECT 'apples',getdate() -1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'apples',getdate() -4 UNION ALL
SELECT 'apples',getdate() -7 UNION ALL
SELECT 'apples',getdate() -18 UNION ALL
SELECT 'oranges',getdate() -1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'oranges',getdate() -4 UNION ALL
SELECT 'oranges',getdate() -7 UNION ALL
SELECT 'oranges',getdate() -18
with MyCTE As (SELECT ProdName, datepart(week,Sale_Date) As Sale_Date from UnknownName group by ProdName, datepart(week,Sale_Date))
SUM(CASE WHEN Sale_Date = datepart(week,getdate()) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS THISWEEK,
SUM(CASE WHEN Sale_Date = datepart(week,getdate()-1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ONEWEEKAGO,
SUM(CASE WHEN Sale_Date = datepart(week,getdate()-2) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS TWOWEEKSAGO,
SUM(CASE WHEN Sale_Date < datepart(week,getdate()-3) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS LONGERTHANTHAT
from MyCTE
group by PRODNAME
November 4, 2009 at 1:10 pm
please accept my apologies for making it hard.
I didn't try this yet... will let u soon.
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