CASE sintax error

  • In the middle of a large stored procedure I have a working SELECT (see SELECT 01 below) which at a couple of points uses CASE statement.

    I need to expand the most inner CASE to get SQL Server check for several values instead of one. Currently CASE I am talking about looks like (it is in the middle of SELECT 01)

    tests.var_id = CASE WHEN t3.PMN1='1' then 392

    WHEN t3.PMN1='2' then 514 else 638


    I need it to accept

    tests.var_id =

    392 OR 393 OR 304 for PMN1='1'

    514 OR 515 OR 516 for PMN1='2'

    638 OR 639 OR 640 for all other values of PMN1

    So, I put together following CASE:

    tests.var_id IN CASE WHEN t3.PMN1='1' then '(392,393,394)'

    WHEN t3.PMN1='2' then '(514,515,516)' else '(638,639,640)'


    Apparently something is wrong - I am getting error message

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CASE'.

    Could someone in the know

    a) suggest the code which will accomplish what I need


    b) explain silly me what I am doing wrong (in simple" English for dummies")

    Your attention and time is very much appreciated.

    SELECT 01:

    select 'T04'as T04

    , t3.PEN

    , t3.EVID

    , t3.EDPU

    , t3.EDTS

    , t3.ORIP



    , t3.CusId

    , t3.CuRepT

    , t3.SOEVID1

    , t3.SOEV_NUM1

    , t3.PMN1

    , t3.REEL

    , t3.REEL_ID

    , t3.REEL_TS

    , t3.ProdRun

    , t3.pr_vid



    (select top 1 tests.result_on from gbdb.dbo.tests tests

    where tests.result_on > t3.REEL_TS

    and (tests.var_id =CASE WHEN t3.PMN1='1' then 392

    WHEN t3.PMN1='2' then 514 else 638 end )

    and tests.result IS NOT NULL

    order by tests.result_on

    )-- in my code it is a closing parensis, I do not know why make a face out of it in the code



    into #tmptbl_Work_04

    from #tmptbl_Work_03g t3

  • tests.var_id IN CASE WHEN t3.PMN1='1' then '(392,393,394)'

    WHEN t3.PMN1='2' then '(514,515,516)' else '(638,639,640)'


    Change it to:

    (CASE WHEN t3.PMN1 = '1' AND tests.var_id IN (392,393,394) THEN 1

    WHEN t3.PMN1 = '2' AND tests.var_id IN (514,515,516) THEN 1

    WHEN t3.PMN1 <> '1' AND t3.PMN1 <> '2' AND tests.var_id IN (638,639,640) THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END) = 1

    * Noel

  • jzurbo77 (7/18/2008)

    In the middle of a large stored procedure I have a working SELECT (see SELECT 01 below) which at a couple of points uses CASE statement.

    I need to expand the most inner CASE to get SQL Server check for several values instead of one. Currently CASE I am talking about looks like (it is in the middle of SELECT 01)

    tests.var_id = CASE WHEN t3.PMN1='1' then 392

    WHEN t3.PMN1='2' then 514 else 638


    I need it to accept

    tests.var_id =

    392 OR 393 OR 304 for PMN1='1'

    514 OR 515 OR 516 for PMN1='2'

    638 OR 639 OR 640 for all other values of PMN1

    So, I put together following CASE:

    tests.var_id IN CASE WHEN t3.PMN1='1' then '(392,393,394)'

    WHEN t3.PMN1='2' then '(514,515,516)' else '(638,639,640)'


    Apparently something is wrong - I am getting error message

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CASE'.

    Could someone in the know

    a) suggest the code which will accomplish what I need


    b) explain silly me what I am doing wrong (in simple" English for dummies")

    Your attention and time is very much appreciated.

    I think you are getting stuck on trying to use CASE for this. It really isn't necessary, although it can be done...

    If I understand what you are looking for, it is this:

    t3.PMN1='1' AND tests.var_id IN (392,393,394)

    Or t3.PMN1='2' AND tests.var_id IN (514,515,516)

    Or tests.var_id IN (638,639,640)

    If the above is correct, it can be written as:

    WHERE ((t3.PMN1 = '1' AND tests.var_id IN (392,393,394))

    OR (t3.PMN1 = '2' AND tests.var_id IN (514,515,516))

    OR tests.var_id IN (638,639,640))

    If you really want to use a CASE expression, it could be written as:

    WHERE (CASE WHEN t3.PMN1='1' AND tests.var_id IN (392,393,394) THEN 1

    WHEN t3.PMN1='2' AND tests.var_id IN (514,515,516) THEN 1

    WHEN tests.var_id IN (638,639,640) THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END) = 1

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • Thank you very much, both of you. Your solution resolved "Sintax error" problem. As I am trying to make sure entire stored procedure still performs as it should I am facing strange problems - will post them as separate issues as they are not related (I think) to that particular SELECT.

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