Case Sensitive Obejcts --

  • This is regarding AdventureWorks Database in SQL 2005.

    When i run any select query against any table in AdventureWorks like

    select * from Person.Contact ---- It works fine

    select * from person.Contact -- it fails saying invalid object name.

    are the objects in SQL 2005 case sensitive..where to change the property?

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  • Both work for me, but then AdventureWorks database on my development server is using a case insensitive collation. It appears that your install of AdventureWorks is using a case sensitive collation. Right click on the AdventureWorks database and select properties. On the General page (the first page) under Maintenacne you see the collation of the database.

  • Thanks Lynn...It says CS (Case sensitive), but its grayed do i change that now?

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  • Options page. This won't, however, change the collation of character data in any of the tables. Those will still have the case sensitive collation.

    Curious, why the concern? I'm asking as I am one of those few individuals that prefers using case sensitive collations.

  • Thanks Lynn..however, I will continue to use CS collation...

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