CASE in the WHERE clause

  • Hi,

    I want to apply a conditional where criteria depending on the evaluation of two dates, but can't seem to get my code to work. My query is as follows:

    [declare @EditionDate datetimeset @EditionDate = '2000/01/01'


    'CAPId'= pr.pr_id,

    'Manufacturer'= cv.CVehicle_ManText,

    'Model'= cv.CVehicle_ModText,

    'Derivative'= cv.CVehicle_DerText,

    'Basic'= pr.pr_basic,

    'VAT'= pr.pr_vat,

    'Delivery'= pr.pr_delivery,

    'EffectiveDate' = convert(varchar(20),pr.pr_effectivefrom,103),

    'TotalPrice'= ROUND(pr.pr_basic + pr.pr_vat + pr.pr_delivery,0)


    dead_car..nvdprices pr

    left join dead_car..CAPVehicles cv on pr.pr_id = cv.CVehicle_ID

    case when cv.cvehicle_derintroduced <= @EditionDate

    then (pr.pr_effectiveFrom <= @EditionDate and (pr.pr_EffectiveTo is null or pr.pr_EffectiveTo > @EditionDate))

    else pr.pr_EffectiveFrom =(select min(pr2.pr_effectivefrom)

    from dead_car..nvdprices pr2

    where pr2.pr_id = pr.pr_id

    group by pr2.pr_id )


    So, if cv.cvehicle_derintroduced <= @EditionDate I want the where criteria to be (pr.pr_effectiveFrom <= @EditionDate and (pr.pr_EffectiveTo is null or pr.pr_EffectiveTo > @EditionDate)) else use the following where criteria:

    pr.pr_EffectiveFrom =(select min(pr2.pr_effectivefrom)

    from dead_car..nvdprices pr2

    where pr2.pr_id = pr.pr_id

    group by pr2.pr_id )

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance . . . Jason

  • This can only be achieved by dynamic query...

    becasue your condition operator is not fix, as for one condition it is <= and for another it is =

    Case in where works to decide right hand side value not for whole where condition.

    For ex.

    SELECT * FROM table

    WHERE ID = ( Case WHEN @temp > 0 THEN 10 ELSE 11 )

    Vaibhav K Tiwari
    To walk fast walk alone
    To walk far walk together

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