Cascading parameters grey out after first one is selected

  • I also (in error) posted this on the 2005 side, I am on Sql Server 2008 standard edition,

    I have a report that has two parameters, the first one selects a District, the second one is the Plat, there can be 20 districts to pick from with multiple plats per district. I select the District and then the second drop down is supposed to be populated with the unique plats that belong to the selected District. the query that populates the second dropdown is something like "Select Plat from table where District = @District".

    For both of them I do not set a default value.

    When I select a District from the first dropdown the "loading" message appears and once it goes away both dropdowns are disabled and I can not proceed.

    I had found a post about changing the web.config file for SSRS and adding a key, the location was (depends on your setup)

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.UTSQL1\Reporting Services\ReportManager\Web.config

    The line that was added in the keys section was

    · <add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="2000" />

    I stopped and restarted the reporting service and I still have the problem, it works just fine from Reporting Manager though.

    I am using net 4.0, Sql server 2008 standard edition and this is hosted in a website (not a website project/application)

    It used to work until just a few weeks ago.

    Any ideas or guidance?



  • Found the fix for this, I had noticed this error message before but thought it was related to the dropdowns

    "Message: Sys.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

    Parameter name: panelsCreated[1]"

    I finally searched on that error message and ran across several posts saying to put ScriptMode="Release" into the markup, example below, the drop downs work now

    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" ScriptMode="Release">


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