carriage return in dynamic sql

  • How do you add a carriage return with dynamic sql? This doesn't work.
    SET @sql=
    'SELECT FIELD1 ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'FROM TestTable'

    SELECT @sql

  • michaelyarbrough1975 - Saturday, February 2, 2019 2:45 PM

    How do you add a carriage return with dynamic sql? This doesn't work.
    SET @sql=
    'SELECT FIELD1 ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'FROM TestTable'

    SELECT @sql

    If you are looking at the results in SSMS grid view, you need to change it to Results To Text. It works.


  • Do you mean change the select to print? I want to be able to copy the results in grid view and paste it in a new query window to be able to view before executing the SQL for more complex, long outputs. I want to see what is being written.

  • michaelyarbrough1975 - Saturday, February 2, 2019 4:15 PM

    Do you mean change the select to print? I want to be able to copy the results in grid view and paste it in a new query window to be able to view before executing the SQL for more complex, long outputs. I want to see what is being written.

    No changing the bottom pane where you see the results. In SQL Server Management Studio, when you run that query, go to the menu to Query and towards the end of the list is Results To where you select where you view the results. Change it from Results to Grid to Results to Text. You can view the text in that window same as you would through the grid.


  • grid view always compresses the data to a visible sinlge row, and makes CrLf appear as spaces.
    what you want is to make sure a copy/paste from a grid still retains the CrLf, instead of converting to spaces when you copy paste.

    there is a setting in SSMS to do exactly that:
    Expand Query Results>>Results to Grid: Retain CR/LF on copy or save


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  • Thank you!

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