Capturing TableName MonYY Name

  • I have some tables in a database which contain the month and year, i.e., CustAddresses_Dec07, CustAddresses_Nov07, etc. as part of the name.

    In trimming the database, I wish to delete some of the older table(s) using a drop. However, the problem is trying to identify the tables to drop.

    Here is the code I was trying to use to select the tables. Assume that I wish to drop all tables prior to 11/1/07:

    SELECT name


    ,CONVERT(SmallDateTime,SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-4,3)+ ' 01, '+SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-1,2),101) as CastName2Date

    ,CONVERT(SmallDateTime,'2007-11-01',101) as CastTimeEntered

    ,DATEDIFF(mm,CONVERT(SmallDateTime,'2007-11-01',101),CONVERT(SmallDateTime,SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-4,3)+ ' 01, '+SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-1,2),101))

    ,DATEDIFF(mm,'2007-11-01',SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-4,3)+ ' 01, '+SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-1,2))

    --,DATENAME(MM,(SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-4,3))+ '01 20'+SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-1,2))

    from dbo.SysObjects

    WHERE LEFT(Name,5) = 'CustA'

    AND SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-4,3) IN ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec')

    AND DATEDIFF(mm,'2007-11-01',SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-4,3)+ ' 01, '+SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-1,2)) < 0

    The problem is with the DateDiff in the WHERE clause. The SELECT works fine in concatenating the name to get a DateDiff value, but when I try to use the DateDiff in the WHERE clause I receive a Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string. error message.

    Any ideas? Comments?


    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

  • Seems this script is working fine.Can you just send across your drop table script.

    select ' drop table ' + name

    from dbo.SysObjects

    WHERE LEFT(Name,5) = 'CustA'

    AND SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-4,3) IN ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec')

    AND DATEDIFF(mm,'2007-11-01',SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-4,3)+ ' 01, '+SUBSTRING(NAME,LEN(Name)-1,2)) < 0

  • Hmmm.... no matter what I did, I could not get the WHERE clause to use the DATEDIFF function without getting a conversion error message.

    I re-did the process... here it is:

    DECLARE @Statement NVARCHAR(4000),

    @MyTable NVARCHAR(128),

    @TableDate smalldatetime,

    @DeleteDate smalldatetime,

    @DataCntr INT,

    @LoopCntr INT

    SET @DeleteDate = '2007/11/01'

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#temptable', N'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #temptable;

    CREATE TABLE #temptable ( primary_key INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [MyTable] nvarchar(128) null)

    INSERT into #temptable

    SELECT name

    FROM dbo.SysObjects

    WHERE LEFT(Name,5) = 'CustA'



    -- Sent Counters for looping purposes

    SET @DataCntr = ISNULL((Select count(*) from #temptable),0)

    SET @LoopCntr = 1

    WHILE @DataCntr > 0 AND @LoopCntr <= @DataCntr


    ---- CODE GOES HERE, this is an example

    SELECT @MyTable = MyTable

    FROM #temptable

    WHERE primary_key = @LoopCntr


    SET @TableDate = CONVERT(SmallDateTime,SUBSTRING(@MyTable,LEN(@MyTable)-4,3)+ ' 01, '+SUBSTRING(@MyTable,LEN(@MyTable)-1,2),101)

    IF (DATEDIFF(MM,@DeleteDate,@TableDate) < 0)


    PRINT 'Table '+@MyTable+' is older';

    SET @Statement = 'DROP TABLE '+@MyTable;

    PRINT @Statement;

    --EXEC (@Statement);


    ELSE PRINT 'Do not touch '+@MyTable

    SET @LoopCntr = @LoopCntr + 1;


    DROP TABLE #temptable;

    Setting the CONVERT to a variable, then using it in the DATEDIFF function works fine!

    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

  • Please ignore the CODE GOES HERE comments... I use templates when I create some of these scripts. 😉

    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

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