Capturing Error in DTS package

  • Are there any recommendations or examples of catching errors within sql dts packages. My example would be an ftp task that I created. It uses Execute Process to call FTP. I really don't care what the error is specifically if I cannot get it, but I would like to know that it errored. I assume I can use the On Failure workflow, but can I then know what was the last step to error?


  • For me, I have the job on failure report the last step run to me via e-mail (and to the log). When I need to know where in a step the job failed, I use 'On Failure' logic to capture the point.

    The nice part about this is that I know how many emails should show up each day, and each email takes about a second or two to review. If I see 'failure' in the email (third line) or the correct number of emails does not show up, then I know there's a problem.

    Everett Wilson

  • I have the email part in place with on failures...the part that is escaping me is how to get the last step run? Thanks for the reply wilson

  • The comments should tell you. Here's an example:

    JOB RUN:'*JobName*' was run on 10/31/2002 at 4:48:00 AM

    DURATION:0 hours, 1 minutes, 36 seconds

    STATUS: Failed

    MESSAGES:The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 17 (*FirstStepName*). The last step to run was step 3 (*FailedStepName*).

    I did find two failures related to rights on the server that did not include the step, I assume this occurs when the job is not invoked.

    Everett Wilson

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