Capturing connection coming from outside in SQL server using profiler

  • Hi,

    I need to do testing on capturing connection coming from outside using Profiler. Basically I need to do something from other SQL servers connecting to this SQL server and test if it is captured by profiler. Can you please advise how I can do it. I would really appreciate your help !


  • if you fire up a new trace and use the login audit template, this will trace just connections. then in the hostname field you will see the source of the connection. this should be a low impact trace as you are not tracking query activity, however will still have a load on the system so just make sure it doesn't impact performance. if so you'll have to use server side tracing.

  • Thanks for jumping in so quickly ! My question is what kind of task can I do in the source server to test the connection?

  • oh sorry! you can try and set up linked servers from the remote sql instances to make sure you can connect successfully. then query the instance through those linked servers.

  • Thank You !!

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