capture oracles's (sequence.nexval) value in a column during data flow...

  • Hi all SQL server techies.. I have the following scenario

    I am doing an insert from sql server table to oracle table, which has a sequence for its identity column

    I have used OLDDB command as my destination and used the following query for insert into oracle table

    Insert into tablename (id, col1,col2....) values (seq.nextval,?,?,...) mapped all parameters to source columns and it works like a charm including sequence generation for identity column.

    Here my another requirement is... sequence that was generated in first table have to be mapped with another table for foreign key relation... its like as follows

    table 1

    emp table with columns

    empid ----------- generated from sequence



    table 2

    empinfo table with column

    empinfoid ---- generated from sequence

    empid ----- id that was generated in table 1.



    Since i do not have any others common keys between these two tables, i can not have lookup and pull empid from table 1 to table 2.

    How can i insert empid (generated from sequence) into both tables in parallel

    I tried with oledb command out parameter , but no success as oracle connection is unable to find output params..

    Please help me in achieving this.. Have been googling for this for past few days, no suitable solution found

    Thanks a trillion in advance..

  • Can some one please help me on this....

  • try using multi cast transformation and add both tbls as destinations. not 100% sure though..

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