capture change and conditional split

  • hi

    i m using merge join and using full outer join , i need to see if data is in first table not in second table i am giving condition

    isnull( in conditional split, now my prob is i need to check composite key here, one of them is date , so how to write if date is null in conditional split.

    also which comparison of column ,  i have value COMPUTER and CoMPUTER, so i need to get those rows also whose 1 of the column has become small to cap or cap tp small.

    how to do in ssis?

  • >>i m using merge join and using full outer join , i need to see if data is in first table not in second table i am giving condition
    >>isnull( in conditional split, now my prob is i need to check composite key here, one of them is date , so how to write if date is null in conditional split.

    So you want to check if multiple fields are Null?  You can use the logical And (&&) operator.
    ISNULL(FirstField) && ISNULL(SecondField) ? "Both Null" : "Both NOT Null"

    >>also which comparison of column , i have value COMPUTER and CoMPUTER, so i need to get those rows also whose 1 of the column has become small to cap or cap tp small.

    The comparisons in the expression are case sensitive as you've found out.  In your SSIS expression, take a look at the UPPER() or LOWER() functions. 
    UPPER(MyFieldName) == "COMPUTER" ? "Matches" : "No Match"

    I hope this helps,

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