capacity planning

  • Hi Folks,

    I was just wondering how people go about capacity planning for there databases.

    I read that logging the output for sp_spaceused is a good way to do it as over a period of time you can see how big your dbs are getting everyday.

  • There are various ways to go about for capacity planning.

    Once one of my ex-boss called me and said that he wanted to upgrade the database server and had finalised one but was not sure what size of HDD's to go in for. I thought it would be help him a lot if I gave him a growth rate for the last 3 yrs. So I looked up some system tables and found out tables like backupmediaset and backupmediafamily. These and a couple of more tables store every information there is about backups including the size of the data files at the time of backup. I used this information and came up with numbers which displayed the size of the data files at the time of backup and walla..... in no time everything was pasted in excel....a few clicks here and a pivot there and my boss had everything in front of him. The rest was like a walk in the park. we analysed the growth was somewhere between linear and exponential and planned the datbase size for the next 2 years.

    In other cases where u are starting everything from scratch and dont have any data to work with... heres a starting point....

    You fire a simple select top1 * from and view the execution plan. in the execution plan u get the size/row. note it down somewhere.

    Then go up to the functional team and ask them what is he number of transactions that they expect over the next say 1 yr. Being a DBA u know how many tables are affected by 1 transaction. multiple the size/row of that table with the number of transactions expected and u have the size for that table after a year. repeat this for all tables and you should be good to go. Always mention that these numbers are based on estimations by the functional team (so u have your exit route in case the your estimations going wrong).

    There are a few more tips. reach me if you have any doubts at meekee26 at yahoo dot com

  • From my understanding transactions are dynamic and different transactions effect different table... so how can you know what table a future transaction can effect?

  • lets say as a DBA I know a new customer addition transaction should affect the "customer master" table and the "customer detail" table, and for every master entry the functional team tell us there are 2 entries in the detail table. then for 1 million transactions, I multiply the row size for master into 1 million and for 1 million transactions, I multiply the row size for detail into 2 million.

    now lets say the functional team expects 10 million sale transactions. again u have a master table and a detail table. again for every master entry u have 5 corresponding detail entries

    do the same math again and u should be good.

  • Here's a script I use to monitor you databasesize

    print '*** Creating objecten voor DBSize'

    print ''

    if not exists (select 'yes' from sysobjects where name = 'dbsize')



    [Servername] sysname DEFAULT @@SERVERNAME

    , [Servicename] sysname DEFAULT @@SERVICENAME

    , [databaseid] int NOT NULL

    , [databasesize] bigint null

    , [logsize] bigint null

    , [rows] bigint NULL

    , [reserved] BIGINT NULL

    , [data] bigint NULL

    , [index_size] bigint NULL

    , [unused] bigint NULL



    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IDX__DBSIZE__01 ON dbsize(servername,servicename, databaseid, timestamps) WITH IGNORE_DUP_KEY



    if exists (select 'yes' from sysobjects where name = 'vw_dbsize')

    DROP VIEW vw_DBSize


    CREATE VIEW vw_dbsize as

    SELECT *

    from dbsize

    where timestamps = (select max(timestamps) from DBSize)


    if exists (select 'yes' from sysobjects where name = 'usp_collectDBsize')

    DROP PROCEDURE usp_collectDBSize


    CREATE PROCEDURE USP_CollectDBSize @verbose bit = 0, @debug bit = 0 AS



    DECLARE @SQLCmd nvarchar(2048)

    if @verbose = 1 or @debug = 1

    if LEFT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS CHAR),1) = '8'

    print 'Using the MSSQL 2000 method'


    print 'Using the MSSQL 2005 method'

    if LEFT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') AS CHAR),1) = '8'

    set @SQLCMD = N'

    USE [?]


    DECLARE @rows bigint

    DECLARE @reserved bigint

    DECLARE @data bigint

    DECLARE @index_size bigint

    DECLARE @unused bigint

    SELECT @dbsize = sum(convert(bigint, case when status & 64 = 0 then size else 0 end))

    , @logsize = sum(convert(bigint, case when status & 64 <> 0 then size else 0 end))

    FROM dbo.sysfiles

    SELECT @rows = sum(rows) FROM sysindexes WHERE indid < 2

    SELECT @reserved = sum(reserved) * 8 FROM sysindexes WHERE indid in (0, 1, 255)

    SELECT @data = (SELECT sum(dpages) FROM sysindexes WHERE indid < 2 ) * 8 + (SELECT sum(used)FROM sysindexes WHERE indid = 255) * 8

    SELECT @index_size = (SELECT sum(used) FROM sysindexes WHERE indid in (0, 1, 255)) * 8 - @data

    SELECT @unused= @reserved - (SELECT sum(used) FROM sysindexes WHERE indid in (0, 1, 255)) * 8

    INSERT INTO ' + DB_NAME() + '.dbo.DBSize([databaseid],[databasesize],[logsize],[rows],[reserved],[data],[index_size],[unused])

    VALUES (DB_ID(),@dbsize, @logsize,@rows,@reserved,@data,@index_size,@unused)'


    set @SQLCMD = N'

    USE [?]

    DECLARE @dbsize bigint

    DECLARE @logsize bigint

    DECLARE @rows bigint

    DECLARE @reservedpages bigint

    DECLARE @pages bigint

    DECLARE @Usedpages bigint

    DECLARE @index_size bigint

    DECLARE @unused bigint

    SELECT @dbsize = sum(convert(bigint, case when status & 64 = 0 then size else 0 end))

    , @logsize = sum(convert(bigint, case when status & 64 <> 0 then size else 0 end))

    FROM dbo.sysfiles

    select @reservedpages = sum(a.total_pages) *8,

    @usedpages = sum(a.used_pages) *8,

    @pages = sum(


    -- XML-Index and FT-Index-Docid is not considered "data", but is part of "index_size"

    When it.internal_type IN (202,204) Then 0

    When a.type <> 1 Then a.used_pages

    When p.index_id < 2 Then a.data_pages

    Else 0


    ) *8

    from sys.partitions p join sys.allocation_units a on p.partition_id = a.container_id

    left join sys.internal_tables it on p.object_id = it.object_id

    SELECT @rows = sum(rows) FROM sysindexes WHERE indid < 2

    INSERT INTO ' + DB_NAME() + '.dbo.DBSize([databaseid],[databasesize],[logsize],[rows],[reserved],[data],[index_size],[unused])

    VALUES (DB_ID(),@dbsize, @logsize,@rows,@reservedpages,@pages,@usedpages-@pages,@reservedpages-@usedpages)'

    if @debug = 0

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb @SQLCmd


    print @SQLCmd



    Create this table/procedure in a "dba database" and schedule this procedure several times a day (I do this every 4 hour)

    After some time, you can :

    - predict database growth

    - notify unexpected growth

    - make impressive charts with these data 🙂

    The best things in life are the simple things

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