Can't see NT Groups

  • My project partner and I both have system admin rights on a SQL Server. We did not set up the server nor this particular database we are looking at. However, when we look at the users of the database, he can see some users that I can't. These users do not have log-in names. Possibly when the vendor set up the database, they copied the database users, but not server log-ins. But why can he see them and I can't? Any thoughts on this? Thanks.

  • Shouldn't be any different. If you query syslogins, do you both seem the same rows?

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • I have seem this once before, and I seem to remember that doing an autofix on those accounts (sp_change_users_login) sorted them out.

    Try running the stored procedure

    sp_change_users_login 'report'

    in the database, and see if they show up in the report.


  • My partner and I can both see the same users if we use a query to get them. However, where I'm not seeing them and he is is in the Enterprise Manager under Users for the database. We have this problem in a couple of databases on different servers.

    I just logged onto the server through another computer and can see these users in Enterprise Manager that I can see on my computer. Is there a setting somewhere in SQL Server maybe that controls this as apparently it has nothing to do with my permissions?

    Thanks so much for your help with this.

  • Is this a SQL 7 box you are viewing with EM? The SQL 7 tools don't show orphan users while the SQL 8/2000 tools do. So my guess would be you have the SQL 7 tools and your partner has the 8 tools.

  • I have SQL 8/2000. I had SQL 7 originally and then installed SQL 2000 and actually have both, but am using SQL 2000. My partner has the same exact installation.

    I think I am going to reformat my computer and reinstall everything. I think it has to have something to do with my installation.

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