Can't restore from a .bak....???

  • What happened: Database gone.

    What I have: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.bak from last night ~10pm

    What I want to do: Restore xxxxxxxxxxx.bak from last night to new database named XYZ.

    What I'm doing:

    I right click on my XYZ database, all tasks, restore.

    From device, select .bak file.

    Go to Options tab, change file names to reflect new and not old database name and select Force Restore.

    Start restoration.

    What happens:

    Progress bar stays totally blank and nothing happens, have left this for up to 20 minutes and NOTHING happens.

    After I cancel the restore, I check in the data directory (where mdf and ldf are stored) and only the mdf file is there, at default 1.024mb size.

    How can I restore this database? Very urgent 🙁

  • How backup was taken - native or any third party tool

    What is version of SQL Servers from where backup and where restore is happen

  • I believe the backup was native.

    Backup was taken on SQL2000 SP3...but being restored on 2000 SP4

    Backup taken on same box as it will be restored to...

  • Anyone? I'm kind of hosed here 🙁

  • What is the output of below mentioned commands:

    Restore filelistonly from disk='Full path of backup file'


    Restore verifyonly from disk='Full path of backup file'


  • Also curious, how big was the database you lost?

  • Thanks for the responses guys, I had to leave for the day (10 hour day ftl 🙁 ) so I didn't get a chance to run that restore T-SQL but I'd love to tomorrow morning.

    DB was approx 20GB. Since it's that big, I decided to let it just sit on the restore screen overnight. 30-45 minutes without any visible progress might be impatience on a slow machine but 8 hours should be pretty convincing evidence that it's not going to restore 😛

    I love this forum by the way. Such productive helpful people!

  • You said your database is gone, then on which database are you trying to force restore this backup file.

    I think you created a dummy database on which you are trying to restore this .BAK file.

    Why dont you simply right click Databases and click Restore Database , a window pops up, Select from device and point the browse button to the location where your .BAK file reside on Operating System. Give the new name of the database. Click option and Click Restore With No Recovery only if you have any differential or log backups to restore. For the last backup file ... while restoring backup, click Options, click Restore with Recovery .

    Should work. No reason not to work...

    Hope it helps.


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