Can't remotely connect to SQL Server 2008 R2?

  • Hi all -

    I've been doing my research, but I'm still stumped. My co-workers and I all have SQL Server 2008 R2 SQL Server instances installed on our Windows 7 Pro machines. I can connect using Windows Auth to my co-workers server/instance using SSMS, but he can't connect to mine using either Windows or SQL Auth.

    The relevant factors are:

    1.) I've enabled "Remote Connections" for the SQL instance on my machine.

    2.) I've enabled TCP in Configuration Manager using standard 1433 port. In the IPAll section, TCP Dynamic Ports is blank, supposedly disabling dynamic ports. I can see my machine IP address as IP1 using 1433.

    3.) On my machine, I'm using the DEFAULT (MSSQLSERVER) instance, while my co-worker has a named instance.

    4.) We have some DNS issues on our network so we're connecting using IP strings. Using SSMS, my co-worker tried to connect in the form "tcp:<ip address>,1433". No dice. I connect to him using <ip addresss>\InstanceName just fine.

    5.) Yet, my co-worker can ping my machine using my IP address.

    6.) I have Windows firewall disabled on my machine.

    7.) I have SQL Server Browser started/running, even though I don't believe it's needed for a default instance.

    8.) I've restarted SQL Server on my machine multiple times. I've confirmed that SQL is listening on 1433.

    9.) I'm running R2 Enterprise Edition (64-bit) SP2 on my machine with "Mixed Mode" Auth mode.

    Any ideas of what to look at next??... TIA!

  • Let's try something simple that isn't mentioned in your list...

    Does your coworker have a login on your database server? Their Windows account needs to exist on it with proper permissions granted.

    Are there any error messages in your SQL Server Error logs? Invalid login or anything when they are trying to log in?

    Is your coworker getting any error messages?


  • Thanks for the reply! I did indeed add my co-worker's account as a Windows Auth Login, putting him in several databases and making sure he had access to his default database.

    When we tried using a SQL Auth Login in SSMS from his machine, we even tried using the "sa" account. Still wouldn't work (same error), yet he can ping my machine fine.

    Nothing of note in SQL log or error log.

  • If there's no error in your logs, that seems to indicate the connection isn't getting that far.

    Are both your coworker and your database server on the same domain?

    Did your coworker change their Windows password recently? (Windows accounts authenticate via Active Directory. If your coworker left their SSMS open and changed their Windows password, the open SSMS is still trying to use the old password). Has your coworker rebooted their computer?

    Since the server is pingable, it seems to be an authenication issue with Active Directory, or something in the connection string.


  • Can you connect to your machine using TCP?

    Can your coworker connect to your machine trough telnet ? One can use for example putty or some other program if you do not have telnet. Command to telnet is

    telnet <your ip> 1434

    Is TCP enabled as client protocol on your coworkers machine?

    Have you tried creating alias to coworkers machine? This is easier than setting connection string to SSMS.

  • What error is showing on your colleague's machine when he tries to connect?

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