Can't get rid of Key Lookup in execution plan

  • I have a query that has a very costly Key Lookup step in its execution plan. It looks like this:

    SELECT B.BenefitID,





    FROM EmployeeWaivers EW

    JOINCompanyBenefitAssoc CBA ON

    CBA.BenefitID = EW.BenefitID AND

    CBA.CompanyID = YYYY

    LEFT JOINPlanWaivers PW ON PW.WaiverID = EW.WaiverID

    LEFT JOINBenefits B ON B.BenefitID = EW.BenefitID


    EW.Overwritten = 0

    ORDER BY CBA.OrderID, PW.WaiverReason, EW.DateEntered

    The Key Lookup is on the EmployeeWaivers table. I created the following covering index:

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EmployeeWaivers_BenefitID_WaiverID_EmployeeID_Overwritten_incl_DateWaived_DateEntered] ON [dbo].[EmployeeWaivers]


    [BenefitID] ASC,

    [WaiverID] ASC,

    [EmployeeID] ASC,

    [Overwritten] ASC


    INCLUDE ( [DateWaived],


    I still have the Key Lookup as part of the execution plan. What did I miss?

  • First request please post the code for this function: dbo.GetBenefitName.

  • Does it matter if that UDF doesn't touch the table dealing with the Key Lookup?

  • Second request, please post the actual execution plan of the query. Save it as a .SQLPLAN file and post it as an attachment to a post on this thread.

  • Done

  • The covering index you listed there is not being used, because it's not efficient. The query filters on EW.EmployeeID AND EW.Overwritten, while those are in the index, they're not the left-based subset and hence the only way SQL could use the index you listed is with an index scan, not very efficient. As a result, SQL chooses to use an index it can seek on, accepting the cost of the lookup as less than the cost of scanning the covering index

    Widen the [IX_EmployeeWaivers_EmployeeID] index, add Overwritten to the key and BenefitID, WaiverID, DateWaived, DateEntered as include columns if you want a covering index.

    The only queries that can use the covering index you posted are ones that filter on any of these:


    BenefitID and WaiverID

    BenefitID and WaiverID and EmployeeID

    BenefitID and WaiverID and EmployeeID and Overwritten

    That's filter, not join. That table is the outer table in the joins, so the indexes on the join columns can't filter the resultset.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Ok, thanks, do I have this right? If you want to use an index to assist in a join, it should be on the joining table, not the base table?

  • Typically the order of keys in teh index should be where clause first, joins second. If you have them that way round, it's going to be useful no matter whether the table is picked as inner or outer table, if you have them the other way around (as you currently do), the index is only really useful if the table is the inner table of the join. You can't specify which table is inner or outer, that's up to the optimiser based on indexes and data distribution and volume.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Ok, thanks for the clarification.

  • TheGreenShepherd (3/19/2013)

    Does it matter if that UDF doesn't touch the table dealing with the Key Lookup?

    Maybe not, but good chance it could be rewritten as an inline table valued function to improve performance.

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