can't get Numbers from Name to prevent conversion failed ?

  • I work on SQL server 2012 I Face issue as below :

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '1.2kV' to data type int.

    this error done where converting Name to number but it is failed .

    as Example Name have value 1.2v then if i get numbers from name so will be 1.2 and on this case will not get error

    and if i found N/A convert to 0

    so How to get Numbers from Name to prevent it from display this error .

    if object_id(N'tempdb..#PartAttributes') is not null drop table #PartAttributes

    if object_id(N'tempdb..#Condition') is not null drop table #Condition

    if object_id(N'tempdb..#Allfeatures') is not null drop table #Allfeatures
    if object_id(N'tempdb..#Codes') is not null drop table #Codes

    create table #Allfeatures
    ZFeatureKey nvarchar(20),
    IsNumericValue int
    insert into #Allfeatures(ZPLID,ZFeatureKey,IsNumericValue)

    create table #Condition
    Code nvarchar(20),
    ZFeatureKey nvarchar(20),
    ZfeatureType nvarchar(20),
    EStrat nvarchar(20),
    EEnd NVARCHAR(10)
    insert into #Condition (Code,ZFeatureKey,ZfeatureType,EStrat,EEnd)
    ('8535400000','1505730036',NULL,'>1000',' '),
    ('8535400000','1505730036',NULL,'>280AV',' '),
    ('8535400000','1505730036',NULL,'N/A',' '),
    ('8535400000','1505730036',NULL,NULL,' ')

    CREATE TABLE #PartAttributes
    PartID INT,
    ZFeaturekEY NVARCHAR(20),
    AcceptedValuesOption_Value INT,
    Name nvarchar(20)
    insert into #PartAttributes(PartID,ZFeaturekEY,AcceptedValuesOption_Value,Name)

    DECLARE @Sql nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ConStr nvarchar(max)

    SET @ConStr = STUFF((
    SELECT CONCAT(' OR (PM.ZfeatureKey = ', CC.ZfeatureKey, IIF(CC.ZfeatureType = 'Qualifications', ' And AcceptedValuesOption_Value ', ' And replace(Name, ''VDC'', space(4)) '),
    WHEN EStrat = 'N/A' THEN '= ''N/A'''
    ELSE CAST(LEFT(SUBSTRING(EStrat, PATINDEX('%[<>0-9.-]%', EStrat), 2500), PATINDEX('%[^<>0-9.-]%', SUBSTRING(EStrat, PATINDEX('%[<>0-9.-]%', EStrat), 2500) + 'X') -1) AS nvarchar(2500))
    END, ')')
    FROM #Condition CC INNER JOIN #Allfeatures AL ON AL.ZfeatureKey = CC.ZfeatureKey AND AL.IsNumericValue = 0
    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)'), 1, 3, '')

    SET @Sql= CONCAT(' SELECT PartID, Code, Count(1) as ConCount
    FROM #PartAttributes PM
    INNER JOIN #Condition Co ON Co.ZfeatureKey = PM.ZfeatureKey ',
    'Where 1=1 and (', @ConStr, ' ) Group By PartID,Code ' ,
    ' Having Count(1)> = ',(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #Condition))

    EXEC (@SQL)
  • Grab a copy of PatReplace8K and it should be easy to strip out what you need.

    Clean1 = CAST(ISNULL(pr.newString,0) AS FLOAT),
    Clean2 = CAST(CAST(ISNULL(pr.newString,0) AS FLOAT) AS INT)
    FROM #PartAttributes AS pa
    CROSS APPLY samd.patReplace8K(,'[^0-9.]','') AS pr;

    This gives you:

    PartID      ZFeaturekEY          AcceptedValuesOption_Value Name    Clean1   Clean2
    ----------- -------------------- -------------------------- ------- ------- ------
    4977941 1505730036 280 1.2kV 1.2 1
    4977936 1505730036 280 280VDC 280 280
    4977935 1505730036 280 100V 100 100
    4977808 1505730036 280 N/A 0 0
    4979054 1505730036 280 24VAC/DC 24 24

    Note that I didn't know if you need "1.2V" to be 1 or 1.2.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • thank you for reply

    function is good but hot to modify dynamic query generated @sql

    with another meaning how to use function above  on @ConStr to prevent error from happen

    can you help me please

  • If the value is in a variable you need to strip you just pass it direct to the function

    DECLARE @ConStr VARCHAR(10) = '1.2Kv'
    SELECT Clean1 = CAST(ISNULL(pr.newString,0) AS FLOAT)
    FROM samd.patReplace8K(@ConStr,'[^0-9.]','') AS pr;


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