Can''t find the SSIS package to open in design mode within the SQL Server Management Studio and run from there?...PLEASE HELP!!!!

  • Hi there,

    In SQL Server 2000, it's very easy to open up the DTS package in design mode and execute from there. However, I couldn't find the SSIS package to open in design mode within the SQL Server Management Studio and run from there. Can anyone help me on this please? Would really appreciate any response.





  • Unless the SSIS package is a Maintenance Plan, you need to use BIDS to open and edit the SSIS package.

  • Lynn,

    Thanks for your reply but what's BIDS? Did you mean that I have to open the SSIS package using the SQL 2000 DTS designer and then run it through the SSIS..then again what's the local path for SSIS package file or it stores SSIS packages in to the MSDB? Would someone please clarify on this? Any response would be greatly appreciated.





  • And the person who answers Moin's question will likely be able to answer this...

    I've upgraded from 2000 to 2005, 2005 on a new server.

    I have moved a DTS package from the 2000 box to 2005 box & have performed the

    DTS Migration Wizard.

    Now I want to fiddle with the design of the package in Business Intelligence

    Design Studio.  Moin, thats what BIDS is.

    Where the heck is it (the migrated package)?  How do I open

    the package in this wierd GUI?


  • Unfortunately, I can't answer that question as we haven't started migrating any of our SQL Server 2000 systems to SQL Server 2005 yet.  All our SQL Server 2005 work is new development, so I haven't had to worry about migrating our DTS packages yet.

  • hello,

    I've got some similar problem: Using the migration wizzard of SQL2005, everything seems to be good. I see the migrated DTS packages below the node of msdb.

    But I've no idea, how to open them in this designer. And the MS documentation of this is quite nebulous to me. They said, I've to open it and at the same time, they say, that you can't open it in BIDS.

    So what can I do ?

    thank you for anwering...

  • So when u jus upgraded from sql 2000 to sql 2005 u can see th dts packages in maintainence n legacy in which u can see dts packages n u can open it usin g sql200 dts desinger u need to install that on ur computer to open the previous packages ncan make changes case of bids u have execute dts packages by which u can execute ....u cant make changes in msdb u need to save it to file n make changes n then import the pakage i believe i m not sure abt this.....


    Its the Journey which gives you Happiness not the Destination-- Dan Millman

  • hello,

    thank you,

    I've figured out, that the best way to migrate is to do it from within the BIDS. making a new project an import the packages, the advantage is, that you have them in file format, so can edit them without problems.

    No ,for the some tasks, there is a wrapper task (Execute DTS2000 task). For them you have to install a sort of the old DTS Designer (You can download this from Miscrosoft).

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