Can't figure out MS DTC error

  • I am working directly in SSMS and have a Linked Server that has been working for me with OPENQUERY and also with remote execution of stored procedures. For example, the calling the sproc below successfully returns a valid recordset.

    EXEC [].MyDB.MySchema.MySproc

    But when I try to go a step further and insert that recordset into a table in the the local db with this code:

    INSERT INTO LocalDb.LocalSchema.LocalTable

    EXEC [].MyDB.MySchema.MySproc

    I get the following error: Import of Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transaction failed: 0x8004d00e(XACT_E_NOTRANSACTION).

    I can't find much information on the error and can't figure out why I can return records but can't write to the DB.

    I did find this resource MSDTC Troubleshooting, which provided a short snippet of code for testing that also fails with the same error. What's interesting is this one fails on a simple query that is wrapped in a writing involved.

    begin distributed tran

    select * from [].master.sys.sysprocesses

    commit tran

    If I run it without the transaction, it will pull back the records successfully

    select * from [].master.sys.sysprocesses

    -- works clue why...I'm baffled!!!

    Can anybody help me troubleshoot or advise on how to figure this out?

    Many thanks,


  • Quick question, what is the output of this query?


    EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options',1;


    EXEC sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries';

    EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options',0;


  • The config and run_value for Ad Hoc queries = 1 on both servers.

  • And what about option SET XACT_ABORT ON did you set this on for the transaction?

    "XACT_ABORT must be set ON for data modification statements in an implicit or explicit transaction against most OLE DB providers, including SQL Server. The only case where this option is not required is if the provider supports nested transactions. "

  • Hi,

    Consider using OPENROWSET.

    SELECT * INTO LocalDb.LocalSchema.LocalTable FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=yes;',

    'EXEC [].MyDB.MySchema.MySproc')

    Hope it Helps...!!


    Shafat Husain

    Shafat Husain
    And Your Lord Never Forgets...!! (64:19 -- Quran)

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