Can't create a linked server

  • I have a problem when trying to make a linked server from server A to server B.

    Server A = SQL Server 10.0.2531.0 - SP1 (Developer Edition (64-bit)) on domain X

    Server B = SQL Server 9.00.4035.00 - SP3 (Express Edition) on domain Y

    With SQL Server Management Studio on my desktop (on domain X), i can connect to sql server on server B with no problem. I have another server on domain X that run a schedule task that connect to sql server on server B with no problem.

    But now i need to create my linked server from server A to server B.

    But i got that error :

    I just saw when doing my printscreen that the server/instance wrote on the error message is not in this format : server.domainY\sqlexpress but server\sqlexpress. Is this normal ? Can this be my problem? im doing my linked server with server.domainY\sqlexpress.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Trying pinging the other server - login timeout expired suggests to me that the DNS name isn't resolving.


    If you've got these express instances on Windows XP workstations that the Windows Firewall isn't getting in the way.

  • When i ping server B from my desktop or from server A, the ping resolve the name to IP address, but i got ping request timed out.

    Server B is a Windows server 2003 R2

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