Can''t create a conection to data source

  • Hi,

    Can anyone help me please!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am a new user here....

    I create report using VS 2005.

    I can preview it and delpoy it

    I open it from  //msprint01/reports

    my report is there but when I click on it.

    there is an error saying

    what should I do.



    • An error has occurred during report processing.

      • Cannot create a connection to data source 'DSNavTest'.

        • For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

  • Hi,

    I don't know if this is any help but I had a similar problem when I first started using RS. My problem was with outdated drivers on the server.

  • Thanks for that.

    so what do you do?

    since I am not the one who install the RS on the server

    how can we check it?

    Thanks again


  • Along with the above check your rights to the Data source (and be sure it deployed also).

    If you can't find 'DSNavTest', then it needs to be deployed.

    Once found, examine the rights to the data source.  That can be a major headache.

  • Thanks Guys...

    yeap I think I have a prob with the right to data source.

    it fixed now...

    thanks heap for your help

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