Can't connec to named instance on windows 2008 cluster

  • I have a windows 2008 cluster, with sql 2008 sql cluster installed. In addition to this sql cluster, I installed a stand-alone named instance. The intent is for this named instance to be our test environment.

    The problem is that I cannot figure out how to connect to it remotely from my desktop using Mgmt Studio. When I'm Rdp'd, I can easily type in machinename\instancename without any problems. But that does not work from my desktop.

    I've been doing some digging, but have not a concrete answer to my question. Any ideas and/or suggestions would be welcome. Thank you in advance.

  • is there a firewall between you and the sql server? have you tried hardcoding the port on the server line to connect to ie. sqlserver\instance,port ? if hardcoding works then it could be that your browsers are not able to function properly because of firewall rules.

    if you have a firewall then this blog post may help-it helped me quite a bit


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