Can''t backup due to full text index that I can''t find!

  • Hi,

    I get the following error when trying to run a backup on a database that has been migrated from a SQL Server 2000 box to a 2005 box:

    The backup of full-text catalog 'Search_ForumMessages' is not permitted because it is not online.

    If I run "ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON dbo.ForumMessages DISABLE" I get the following:

    Full-Text Search is not enabled for the current database. Use sp_fulltext_database to enable full-text search for the database. The functionality to disable and enable full-text search for a database is deprecated. Please change your application.

    So I found this: and went to delete the index from the Storage container, but there aren't any.

    Can anyone help? I'm stumped. Any input is much appreciated.

  • I am confused.  You have two different issues here.  How are they related. 

    1) Can't backup because the database is offline

    2) Can't enable/disable Fulltext indexes on the database.

    What exactly is the issue?

  • A 2000 backup does not include the full text catalog. A 2005 backup does.

    Check sys.master_files to see if all your files are online. For full-text catalog (type 4 in sys.master_files), if the catalog path points to an invalid path, it will be offline. You can use alter database modify file to correct the path and rebuild the catalog to bring it online.

    ALTER DATABASE MODIFY FILE (NAME = [logical file name], FILENAME = 'newpath/os file name') --logical file name is the [name] column of sys.master_files

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