Cannot update using the result from dynamic sql

  • Hi, I got 2 queries below. You won't be able to run the 2nd query, but if you could just review it and let me know

    what I am doing wrong.

    use adventureworks;


    declare @sql nvarchar(1000), @finalresult numeric(10,2)

    set @sql = 'set @result = 258.89;';

    exec sp_executesql @sql, @params = N'@result as numeric(10,2) output', @result = @finalresult output;

    update Sales.SalesOrderDetail

    set UnitPrice = @finalresult

    where SalesOrderID = 43659

    and SalesOrderDetailID = 1

    -- This first query run fine and I was be able to update the table fine as stated above.

    So, I am using the similiar method for the 2nd query, and I can see the result came back with

    the number when I run it, but it won't update the table with the result I got. It is really strange.

    The FieldValue column remains as NULL.

    DECLARE @sql AS NVARCHAR(1000), @FinalResult INT, @ID INT

    SET @ID = 1

    SET @sql = N'SELECT SUM(' + @Field + ') ' +

    'FROM ' + @Table + ' '

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @params = N'@Result AS INT OUTPUT', @Result = @FinalResult OUTPUT;


    SETFieldValue = @FinalResult


  • I found that if I added another field to the update statement, it would update that new

    field fine. It just won't update the field that is using the variable, even though I can

    see the value of the variable in the result set when I run it.

    UPDATE dbo.Table2

    SET FieldValue = @FinalResult, Field2 = 'Testing'

    WHERE ID = @ID

  • You need to assign the value of the sum to variable @Result

    Correct the set @sql statement to the following.

    SET @sql = N'SELECT @Result = SUM(' + @Field + ') ' +

    'FROM ' + @Table + ' '

    this will solve the problem

  • Thanks a million Abhijeet for helping me, you're so right. It works now. Really appreciated.

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