Cannot start replication agent

  • When I try to start a merge replication agent I get the following error:

    Title: Microsoft SQL-DMO(ODBC SQLState:42000)

    "Error 14258: Cannot perform this operation while SQLServerAgent is starting. Try again later."

    When I check the status of the SQLServerAgent in services or through the agent properties it is indicated as started. If I stop the agent then the error indicates that the agent is stopped.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance,

    Scott B Dragoo

    GIS Systems Analyst

    Sangamon County, Illinois

  • This KB article "might" help.;EN-US;q303287

  • Thanks Larry,

    It turned out that after a reboot everything seems to be working great. Not sure what hung but we are watching a set of trials on our development platform to see if we can recreate the issue.

    Thanks for your link and assistance. As always, the help from this website is greatly appreciated.

    Scott B Dragoo

    GIS Systems Analyst

    Sangamon County, Illinois

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