Cannot resolve collation conflict for column 1 in SELECT statement

  • Why I'm getting this error It occurs when I try to add the name or type_desc fiels I've tried casting and converting the type_desc field

    select 'DROP INDEX ' + object_name(s2.object_id) + '.' + + '--' + s1.type_desc

    from sys.indexes s1

    join sys.objects s2 on s1.object_id = s2.object_id

    where s2.type_desc = 'user_table'

    and not like 'ms%'

    -- and s1.type_desc = 'CLUSTERED'

    -- and s1.type_desc != 'CLUSTERED'

    -- and s1.is_primary_key = 1

    and s1.is_primary_key = 0

    and is not null

    John Zacharkan

  • i got the same error on one of my databases when i tested your code;

    adding collation to the first field fixed it for me:

    select 'DROP INDEX ' + object_name(s2.object_id) + '.' + + '--' + s1.type_desc COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS

    from sys.indexes s1

    join sys.objects s2 on s1.object_id = s2.object_id

    where s2.type_desc = 'user_table'

    and not like 'ms%'

    -- and s1.type_desc = 'CLUSTERED'

    -- and s1.type_desc != 'CLUSTERED'

    -- and s1.is_primary_key = 1

    and s1.is_primary_key = 0

    and is not null


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  • if your intention is to drop the index then i think you dont have to specify field name,

    you need to specify like this:

    DROP INDEX [tablename].[indexname]

    for example

    DROP INDEX authors.au_id_ind

  • My intention was to just drop them but wanted to point out the cluster indexes prior to execution.

    Loweel thanks for the collation part of the script I haven't had a chance to use that, guess old dogs get to learn new tricks after all.


    John Zacharkan

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