Cannot pass string longer than 4k to C# SP

  • I know I am probably missing something here, but string paramaters I pass to a C# CLR stored procedure get truncated at 4K.

    Here is the T-SQL code:

    Declare @Message nvarchar (max);

    declare @res int;

    SET @Message = 'Giant Test Message for test ';

    Set @message = @message + replicate (cast ('A-Z' as varchar (MAX)), 10000);

    select len (@Message);

    exec @res = LenTest @message;

    select @res;

    Here is the C# procedure

    public partial class StoredProcedures



        public static int LenTest(SqlString MessageToSend)


            return (MessageToSend.ToString().Length);



    The select len statement returns 30028.

    But the select @Res statement only returns 4000

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Scott Eichman

  • Max length of NVARCHAR is 4000.

    Max length of VARCHAR is 8000.

    @Message is of NVARCHAR data type.


  • Also, I don't believe VARCHAR(MAX) is valid TSQL syntax.

    MAX in TSQL requires an expression that if finds the MAX of. MAX(MyDate).


  • I wanted to clarify that I am running MSSQL 2005 so nvarchar (max) is a valid construct.  It produces a string of upto about 2 gig.


  • I have found the solution to this problem.

  • As someone who had the same problem and was excited to find this thread and was then disappointed to not see the answer, I felt I would share the answer now that I found it.  For some reason this is not is not as conveniently documented as one would think it should be.

    The following did work 12 years ago (when I posted this answer) with what are now older versions of Visual Studio / SSDT (or "Data Dude" as it was originally named). However, there is, and was, a better answer that I learned about after posting this, but then I forgot that I had posted this so did not know to come back to improve it. So, now I'm posting the better info in the "UPDATED AND IMPROVED ANSWER" section. Besides, the following method no longer works with more recent versions of Visual Studio / SSDT (starting in 2012, I think) as the default now is to also map SqlString to NVARCHAR(MAX).

    The following code both accepts AND returns a NVARCHAR(MAX) datatype.  The key is to use the "SqlChars" type instead of "SqlString".

    Some notes on the following:

    • SqlString = NVARCHAR(4000)
    • SqlChars = NVARCHAR(MAX)
    • SqlChars.Value passes back a char[] which is why new string() was needed
    • SqlChars is a class so you need to use the "new" keyword when passing it back
    • new SqlChars requires a char[] which is why the string.ToCharArray() method is used
    • in the SqlFunction() attribute, Name is used for the Deploy function of Visual Studio 2005
    • in the SqlFunction() attribute, DataAccess is only needed if a SELECT will be used in the function (do not use it otherwise because having it set to "Read" has a negative impact on performance, even if you do not do any actual data access!)

    [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(Name = "TestFunction", DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read)]
    public static SqlChars TestFunction(SqlChars InputString)
        string __TempString = new string(InputString.Value);
        /* whatever code here */
        return new SqlChars(__TempString.ToCharArray());

    Using SqlChars to get the "Deploy" operation (which is now the "Publish" operation in newer versions of Visual Studio / SSDT, while the "Deploy Solution" and "Deploy { project_name }" operations don't do anything) to use NVARCHAR(MAX) in the generated T-SQL was an effect of SSDT mapping "SqlString" to NVARCHAR(4000) and "SqlChars" to NVARCHAR(MAX). However, starting with Visual Studio 2012 (I believe), the default mapping for "SqlString" change to NVARCHAR(MAX). The issue was never that "SqlString" and "SqlChars" necessarily mapped to those T-SQL datatypes, it was just a default chosen by someone, and then later changed. But, both of those .NET types can be used with either of those T-SQL datatypes. At this point, if you want to use NVARCHAR(1 - 4000), then you need to do one of the following:

    • Use the SqlFacet attribute and specify the "MaxSize" property of it. For input parameters this goes to the left of the .NET type:

      [SqlFacet(MaxSize = 200)] SqlString InputParamName

      For return types of scalar Functions (and User-Defined Aggregates, and methods / properties of User-Defined Types), the attribute is placed just above the [SqlFunction] attribute, prefixed with "return:". For example:

      [return: SqlFacet(MaxSize = 2000)]
      public static SqlChars myFunction(....

      This option works when publishing via Visual Studio / SSDT or even SSDT by itself.

    • Whether or not you are using Visual Studio / SSDT, you always have the option of specifying the datatype in the CREATE or ALTER statements for the SQLCLR object. If you are writing the CREATE statements yourself then you are already doing this. If you are publishing with Visual Studio / SSDT, you can issue an ALTER statement in a post-release SQL script or maybe just edit the generated T-SQL publish script.
      This approach is also how you add parameter default values since there is no way to specify those using SqlFacet. On a related note, please support my suggestion to add support for parameter defaults using SqlFacet:

      SSDT - Support T-SQL parameter defaults for SQLCLR objects via the SqlFacet attribute when generating the publish and create SQL scripts

      and, my suggestion to allow NVARCHAR(MAX), VARBINARY(MAX), and XML parameters of SQLCLR objects to have defaults in the first place (this is not specific to SSDT; you currently cannot even manually supply a default for parameters of these 3 datatypes):

      Support default parameter values for NVARCHAR(MAX), VARBINARY(MAX), and XML types in SQLCLR objects

    Take care,

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