cannot insert identity column in DTS package

  • guys someone throw light on this....

    I am using DTS packages to copy data from excel to SQL SERVER 2000.

    It is giving error when i execute the package because of idenity column

    "does not allow null values". This is because, i have not mapped to identity column,to create own id for the newly added records.

    thanks in advance

    chandra babu

  • I would review the table that you are inserting the data into and ensure that the "identity" column is in fact set as IDENTITY along with default value, etc..

    Or in the case of IDENTITY column that there is a seed etc....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • A little trick here...

    You will have an identity column in an SQL table to match the identity column in Excel; however, before you dump the info into SLQ, make sure the identity column in the SQL is NOT SET.

    1. Dump the records into the SQL table

    2. Turn the Identity column ON in the SQL table

    3. All records will now have the ID from the Excel data AND the next record entered will have the bext ID number from SQL.

  • thank you very much for the reply.

    I find a nice article, i solved the problem

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