Cannot enter Surface Area Configuration on a SQL instance

  • I just wanted to be sure. We have WSS installed on one of our development servers, and I have to shutdown the Windows Internal Database to run the Surface Area Configuration on the instance of SQL Server 2005 (default instance) when changes need to be made (which is not all that often but it is a rbitb).


  • i got the done ran as per the blog....

    No Windows Internal Database service on this server. the WMI service is automatic and started

  • Hi jsheldon,

    Were you able to resolve the issue, even i am facing the same. probably i need to reinstall the sql.

  • Prasanna Sridharan (10/15/2008)

    Hi jsheldon,

    Were you able to resolve the issue, even i am facing the same. probably i need to reinstall the sql.

    Unfortunately I have not...and I cannot reinstall as this is our production ERP system. I guess I will just have to use these remotely or via sp_configure proc...

    I would be interested in resolving this did work in the past...

  • I too am seeing the same problem. THe SQL configuration manager and the Surface Area Config are not connecting. In addition to that, my mgmt studio will open and connect, however after that if you try to expand a folder or click on anything, I simply get a 'busy' error. All of these tools worked fine previously. If anyone solves this please post.

  • I had the same problem and this resolved

    For Windows 2008

    Add firewall excpetion:

    Enable: Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI)


    Carlos Eduardo Pieren

  • have you tried changing localhost to the name of the server?

  • When I encountered this error, it was because I installed SQL on a system that uses User Access Control (Vista, Windows 2008), and I did not run the install as Administrator. The resolution was to rerun the installation as Administrator or with User Access Control disabled (I disabled UAC).

    My blog: SQL Soldier[/url]
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  • I have also the same error


  • I have also ran in to this error: Computer localhost does not exist on the network, or the computer cannot be configured remotely. Verify that the remote computer has the required Windows Management Instrumentation components and then try again. (SQLSAC)

    Running Windows Server 2003 with SQL Server 2005. Everything works fine except when trying to open Surface Area Configuration.

    I have found a post somewhere that states to try and run the below command to rebuild permissions:

    secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\repair\secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose

    I am a little worried as to what rebuilding these permissions will affect. Has anyone tried this with any success of fixing the above error? Or even know what this command really does?

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