Cannot configure Surface Area Configuration "Windows Integrated Security" error

  • Now we get http://localhost/reports%5B/quote%5D

    That error is because the ReportServer url is different.


    If it is the default instance if not there is a different url. Check the first thread for the two urls. And if needed there is a second long thread with other issues.

    The threads may not open first try but try again both resolve your current issue.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Hi,

    For me, the ReportServer IIS virtual URL does work (localhost/ReportServer), which is for the Report Server.

    The Report URL does not run (localhost/Reports), which is for the Rerport Manager....

    Also we cannot logging into Report Server using SQL Server Management Studio:

    TITLE: Surface Area Configuration


    The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. (System.Web.Services)



    Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.


    Because of that I also cannot install any SQL Service Pack, because its setup program needs to connect to Report Server...

    I've already tried all these:

    1. SQL Server reinstalled

    2. run aspnet_regiis

    3. add permissions do all SQL Server folders for NetworkServices, system and administrators

    4. recreated ReportServer virtual folders using Reporting Services Configuration

    5. recreated Report Server Databases using rsactivate and Reporting Services Configuration

    6. deleted cryptograph info using rskeymgmt -d

    7. recreated cryptograph info using Reporting Services Configuration

    8. Tried Basic Authentication under IIS

    9. changed windows services users using Reporting Services Configuration, or SQL Sever Configuration Manager or services.msc

    The last 2 options left are:

    A. Reinstal IIS and/or ASP.NET

    B. Try another (virtual?) server (this is a domain controller, and the only windows server in the network)

    It is a Windows 2003 Standard Edition, SP2, with SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition (no SP yet)

    Any other ideas?



  • B. Try another (virtual?) server (this is a domain controller, and the only windows server in the network)

    It is a Windows 2003 Standard Edition, SP2, with SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition (no SP yet)

    Any other ideas?

    I don't understand what you mean by any other ideas because I am not even sure your setup is valid because running SSRS, IIS,, SQL Server, and AD domain in one Windows 2003 Standard Server. So you need to go find the requirements of running SQL Server and SSRS in domain controller because I know there must be default requirements. So look those up and start a new thread because you problem is not relevant to this existing thread, the reason running many things in domain controller comes with issues.

    I am back per Microsoft in the first link do not install SQL Server 2005 in Domain controller and I also find you are work around solution in the second link.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thank you.

    I also do not recommend using a domain controller, but my customer has only one Windows Server...

    I had already checked that Microsoft does not recommend it, but there is nothing saying that it is not supported...

    Any way, I've done my last try and IT WORKED!

    1. Uninstall SQL Server (Database, Analysis Services and Reporting Services only)

    2. Uninstall IIS

    3. Install IIS

    4. Reboot

    5. Install SQL Server 2005

    Then, at last, I could install SQL Server 2005 SP3 and everything is working fine.

    It seems that Reporting Services may corrupt IIS/ASP.NET for some reason...


  • I am glad to see you got it working because I was not sure you could run it.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • decided i'd put my solution onto this seeing as I started it many moons ago 😀

    My original issue was never fully solved, i ended up running reporting services from a different server. Only yesterday, i was given a new server to setup and got exactly the same problem - hair tearing out time!!!!

    After many hours (again) playing around with permissions, setspn's, asp re-registration etc etc we decided to try something different. When the server was given to me it had Windows Server 2003 installed with SP2. When i installed SQL / RS i had to install IIS - this is what i believe to be the problem. Installing IIS AFTER SP2 has been installed seems to cause all sorts of problems (MMC 3 snap-in errors, security problems SQLSAC etc etc). So, we re-imaged the machine but this time putting IIS on BEFORE SP2 and low and behold, it worked straight away, no messing about with any confgurations at all!!!

    Hope this helps anyone else in a similar situation.....

    _________________________________________________________________________________SQLGeordieWeb:- Jarrin ConsultancyBlog:- @SQLGeordie

  • I cannot understand why you will service pack only the operating system before installng IIS because IIS also needs the service packs.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Yes i agree but the original server build image was for servers which didn't need IIS installed and therefore when a server which later needs IIS installed then it was installed manually afterwards.

    _________________________________________________________________________________SQLGeordieWeb:- Jarrin ConsultancyBlog:- @SQLGeordie

  • I had the same problem and found the solution by running a query as described in this link.


    This fixed it for me. Good luck!

  • willitsme (6/8/2009)

    I had the same problem and found the solution by running a query as described in this link.


    This fixed it for me. Good luck!

    This thread is not related to Agent XPs or maintenance plans it is related to SSRS configuration.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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