Can you reference the row number to delete rows in a table

  • Hi there,

    I am new to sql server and i am practicing on SQL Express. I have created a table and in error I have duplicated rows. My first column is 'm_id', however, I have noticed to the left there appears to be a row count. In order to delete my duplicated rows can i refer to the row numbers i.e. 5-10 in order to delete these rows?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    James Elwell

  • mrjae (3/6/2016)

    Hi there,

    I am new to sql server and i am practicing on SQL Express. I have created a table and in error I have duplicated rows. My first column is 'm_id', however, I have noticed to the left there appears to be a row count. In order to delete my duplicated rows can i refer to the row numbers i.e. 5-10 in order to delete these rows?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    James Elwell

    are the rows complete duplicates across all columns?

    You'll need to supply the table definition and some sample data for a complete answer to be provided


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • mrjae (3/6/2016)

    Hi there,

    I am new to sql server and i am practicing on SQL Express. I have created a table and in error I have duplicated rows. My first column is 'm_id', however, I have noticed to the left there appears to be a row count. In order to delete my duplicated rows can i refer to the row numbers i.e. 5-10 in order to delete these rows?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    James Elwell

    Quick suggestion, have a look at this article by Sioban Krzywicki.[/url]


  • Hi.

    Welcome to the forums and to SQL.

    The short answer is no you can't. SQL returns sets of data which are essentialy unordered. The row number you are seeing in the results grid is NOT part of the dataset, just an element in the environment window.

    It sounds like you have not contsructed your table properly. If you don't want duplicates, then set the field to be a UNIQUE key. If you want to create a column that is guaranteed to be unique and sequential then use the following when setting up your table

    CREATE TABLE tableName


    ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), of table definition


    The IDENTITY will auto-populate (i.e. don't pass it in as a value during an insert) the two values it takes are initial seed value and increment. If you said IDENTITY(7,3) then you would get ID numbers 7, 10, 13, 16 etc...

    If you need a row number in the data and there is no appropriate field in the table then you can use the ROW_NUMBER() OVER() construct which will inject a unique sequential row number into the results set, but there is no guarantee that the same number will be returned against the same row each time.

    If you want to fix your data and the records are truly identical then use

    SELECT DISTINCT * INTO #tmpMyTable FROM myTable

    TRUNCATE myTable

    INSERT INTO myTable (

      ) SELECT

        FROM #tmpMyTable

      1. Here is another possible way to delete a duplicate row:

        -- delete all duplicates but first in each set

        WITH cte AS


        SELECT a.*,

        ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY col1, col2 ORDER BY col1, col2) dupenbr

        FROM dbo.mytable a


        DELETE FROM cte

        WHERE dupenbr > 1


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